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Scholarshipprogramm PROMOS: "Education for Global Responsible Citizenship"

University Gadjah Mada, Indonesia

Application form

  • Via Mobility Online
  • Learning Agreement signed by all participants of Pforzheim University
  • E-mail confirmation Prof. Volkert (Economics) / Prof. Klose (Design)

Application deadlines
Summer semester: November 30 / Winter semester: May 31

Funding period and amount
Due to the project reference, a funding period of 2-3 months is usually considered for studies in a PROMOS country. The funding amount is set by the DAAD and is on average about €400 per month (€1200 max). Instead, one-time travel grants can also be awarded for studies in a PROMOS country, the amount of which is also set by the DAAD. Students writing their Bachelor or Master Thesis in a PROMOS country can also apply for the grant. However, grants are given preferentially to regular applicants taking PROMOS courses abroad.

Please note there is no guarantee for a scholarship or any specific amount. 

Students without German citizenship cannot apply for a scholarship in their home country. Home Country is defined as the country, which has been the center of their daily life for at least 5 years. 

Course selection examples

    FGV: Business Ethics: Value Management in Organizations
    ICESI: Responsabilidad Empresarial / Etica y Organizaciones
    Universidad del Pacifico: Ética y Responsabilidad Social Corporativa / Ética en los Negocios
    Gadjah Mada: Business Environment / Business Ethics
    Tec de Monterrey: Ethics, Profession and Citizenship / Ethics, Self and Society
    UCU: Responsabilidad Social de la Empresa / Ética en las Empresas y Organizaciones

In the International Office: Annika Klein
In the Faculty of Design: Prof. Sibylle Klose
In the Faculty of Economics: Prof. Volkert

In the fields of business administration, economics, industrial engineering as well as business law, PROMOS scholarships abroad are awarded for a semester of study in an emerging or developing country with the aim of promoting the education of future managers, taking into account the potentials and limits of corporate responsibility in globalization. Topics such as business ethics, corporate responsibility, development economics, sustainable development and/or environmental economics become the subject of discussion.

This contributes to the implementation of the UN Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME), to which Pforzheim University has committed itself as one of the first 100 universities worldwide. More information can be found on the PRME website of Pforzheim University.

All scholarship holders participate in two seminar events for introduction to the PRME topic as well as for evaluation, presentation of results and reflection.   

Application requirements

    You are studying for a bachelor's or master's degree in business administration, industrial engineering or business law (Double Degree students are only eligible in exceptional cases)
    The partner university is relevant for a PROMOS scholarship
    Introductory seminar (no guarantee for the later receipt of the scholarship)
    Attendance of at least one course in the field of business and corporate ethics/corporate responsibility and sustainable development at the partner university    (min.    6 ECTS)
    After return: PROMOS-Capstone-Seminar

Attendance is required for both seminars, participation via Skype is not possible.

After you have submitted your application, you will be invited to the next introductory seminar. The introductory seminar may also be attended by students who are interested in the subject matter or who plan to spend a semester abroad at a later date.

Course selection

The course selection (min. 6 ECTS) must be agreed by e-mail with Prof. Dr. Volkert, who is responsible for the content of the program in the faculties of economics and technology. A printout of the e-mail confirmation of the specific course selection is then submitted with the application to the International Office.

Please note: It cannot be guaranteed that the PROMOS courses that should take place in the summer semester at Gadjah Mada University will actually take place. This means that you can only receive PROMOS support if you are registered in at least two PROMOS courses. If a course is cancelled, we unfortunately cannot guarantee that you will receive the support.

You can find an overview of exemplary courses here. You also have the possibility to take other subjects in the fields of ethics and sustainable development.

Application form

The Application is possible via Mobility Online if you are chosen for a university with PROMOS connection.


The thoughts and actions of future designers are at the intersection of society, art and technology and require quality and a sense of responsibility in order to develop innovative and intelligent solutions.

Into the world with design responsibility

The PROMOS Study Abroad Scholarship supports students for one semester of study who understand responsible action as both a normative concept and a concrete action, and who want to broaden their design education process with a foreign perspective.

According to the PROMOS design criteria, an expanded socio-political formation of opinion and attitude is thus promoted in order to be able to act successfully with a responsible practice as well as sustainable developments in a global context.

Application requirements

Bachelor's and Master's students from all design programs are eligible to participate. The prerequisite for application is the participation in a preparatory interview or seminar conducted by Prof. Sibylle Klose. This is obligatory for every applicant in order to be admitted to the application procedure and is no guarantee for the later receipt of a scholarship.

Here you can find the list of universities that are relevant for a PROMOS scholarship. You can only apply for the PROMOS scholarship if the university is marked with the PROMOS logo.


- Application form

- Learning Agreement signed by all participants of Pforzheim University

- Description of the project/design proposal - confirmation by Prof. Sibylle Klose