How to reach us

Pforzheim University - Design, Engineering, Business and Law
Tiefenbronner Straße 65
75175 Pforzheim

Phone : 07231 28-5
Fax : 07231 28-6666

E-Mail : info(at)hs-pforzheim(dot)de (general requests)

Pforzheim University with its three faculties has several locations in Pforzheim:
Our main location at Tiefenbronner Straße 65 is home of our administration, library, Audimax, and the Business School. The School of Engineering is located at Tiefenbronner Straße 66 while the School of Design has its headquarters at Holzgartenstraße 36. The degree program in Fashion Design is located in Östliche Karl-Friedrich-Straße 24 and the degree programms in Transportation Design in Eutinger Straße 111.

Here you will find a map of our different locations in Pforzheim.

Study Information

StudiCenter Design

For general questions (e.g. application, approval process, enrollment) regarding our School of Design please contact:

07231 28 6724


StudiCenter Engineering and Business & Law

For general questions (e.g. application, approval process, enrollment) regarding our School of Engineering as well as our Business School please contact:

07231 28 6940


Student Guidance

For advice on decision-making and orientation issues (including choice or change of program...) before and during your studies, please contact the Zentrale Studienberatung (Central Academic Advising Office):

07231 28 6132