
Enhancement of the Federal State Strategy for Resource Efficiency in Baden-Württemberg

In the collaborative project WeLaReBaWü, a concept study is being carried out to produce proposals for updating and further developing the federal state strategy for resource efficiency in Baden-Württemberg. To this end, the five thematic priorities prioritised by the state - "Digitisation and Resource Efficiency", "Ecological Product Design and New Business Models", "Recycling of Raw Materials", "Resource Efficiency in the Construction Industry" and "New Approaches to Extracting Domestic Primary Raw Materials for Industry" - will be analysed within the framework of a respective work package. Furthermore, recommendations for action or measures are drafted on the basis of the state of the art in science and technology and stakeholder surveys. In addition, within the framework of a separate work package, further key topics will be identified for which recommendations for action will also be developed. For example, the contribution of resource efficiency measures to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions should be presented in order to address existing potentials, and the resilience of supply chains should be considered against the background of resource efficiency. By means of literature research, interviews with experts and workshops, expert reports and case study analyses, the six work packages will provide a sound basis for policy measures. The corresponding measures will be prepared as recommendations for state policy. The project is designed as a collaborative project in which each partner is responsible for one main topic. The recommendations for action and proposed measures to be developed are only intended to form the basis for updating the federal state's resource efficiency strategy, but also to represent the expectations of stakeholders and thus serve, for example, to prepare long-term planning in companies.

Project Leader

Prof. Dr. Mario Schmidt

Dr. Christian Haubach

Project Staff

Philipp Schäfer

Project Duration

01/2020 - 08/2020

Public Funding

Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Energy of the State of Baden-Württemberg as part of the BWPLUS funding programme (Baden-Württemberg Programme "Environment as a Basis of Life and its Protection")