Welcome to Pforzheim University.

Our study program: Bachelor, Master
How, what, when, where? Our International Programs Office has the answers.
Innovative, responsible, holistic. Pforzheim University.
How do we realise our goals for our students and our partners in business and society in the future?

Leadership by changing perspectives

Our mission
#interdisciplinary, #responsible, #international, #personal, #practical, #innovative

In the heart of Europe
Our location offers enormous advantages

Prof Dr Matthias Kropp smiles into the camera at the award ceremony for the teaching prize.

Double award-winning: Professor Dr Matthias Kropp sets standards in teaching

Students present their results on the topic of AI & creativity at a vernissage. Here: What could a world look like in which we bridge 100 years so that our world can regenerate?

AI and creativity in dialogue: Students give an outlook on "new worlds"

6. Semester bei Witzenmann

Maschinenbaustudierende des sechsten Semesters zu Besuch bei der Witzenmann GmbH

Wirtschaftsingenieur*innen als Datenspezialisten

Doppelte Auszeichnung: Hochschule Pforzheim überzeugt bei StudyCheck-Awards 2025

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