Language proficiency

During your semester abroad, you should be able to successfully participate in lectures and seminars, give presentations and write term papers. Therefore, it is important that you have sufficient language skills, which is why the International Office checks your language skills by means of a standardized language test when you apply. The international partner universities also expect exchange students to have a certain language level in order to be able to study there without any problems.

Some partner universities have special requirements, which are listed in the database of the corresponding partner universities.

Studying abroad is not primarily for language learning, but for studying at a foreign university. Therefore, advanced knowledge of the respective language of instruction is required in order to be able to follow the courses.

An orientation aid for self-assessment is provided by the European Framework of Reference for Languages, which is divided into six levels of competence - from beginner level (A1/A2) through intermediate level (B1/B2) to very good command of the language (C1/C2).

If studying in a language other than English, a B2 certificate is required.

For a successful application for the semester abroad, an official language certificate is required. The Language Center of Pforzheim University offers the TOEFL ITP test every semester, which can be used as a language certificate for the semester abroad with a minimum score of 560 points.

We accept the following language tests:




Cambridge Certificate Advanced


For languages other than English, a B2 certificate is required, which can also be obtained in French and Spanish at the Language Center of HS Pforzheim.

From October 2024, the Language Center of Pforzheim University will no longer offer TOEFL ITP tests, therefore a B2 certificate in English is sufficient for the application for the semester abroad. However, the partner university to which you are assigned may require an official language certificate such as a TOEFL IBT, IELTS, TOEIC, etc. As soon as you have been accepted by a partner university, you must immediately check which language certificates are accepted by the partner university and, if necessary, complete an official language certificate with an external provider.


Which different tests are available?

TOEFL iBt: The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is a standardized test that assesses the English language proficiency of non-native speakers. The test is recognized by many universities in English-speaking countries, especially in the USA, as an admission requirement. There are two different types of test, the internet-based TOEFL test (iBT) and the paper-based TOEFL test (PBT). The IBT was introduced as a new test format in the USA, Germany, France and Italy at the end of 2005 and replaced the previous TOEFL test forms. Other countries followed this changeover in 2006 and 2007.

IELTS stands for International English Language Testing System and is a globally recognized test of English language skills.

IELTS: IELTS steht für International English Language Testing System und ist ein weltweit anerkannter Test zum Nachweis englischer Sprachkenntnisse.

TOEIC: TOEIC is a language test that assesses listening, reading and grammar skills in international business English and provides corresponding certification.

Cambridge Certificate: The Cambridge Certificate is an English language certificate from the University of Cambridge for non-native speakers.

Duolingo: Accepted by some American universities.