Doctorate / PhD with vunk
As vunk we are happy to support suitable graduates in their doctoral plans.
This is possible through a doctorate with direct connection to Pforzheim University after admission to the new doctoral Promotionsverbandes Baden-Württemberg.
Another possibility is a cooperative doctorate within the framework of an agreement with the University of Kassel. In this case, supervision may be provided jointly by a professor from Pforzheim and one from Kassel. You will not only be given the formal opportunity to do a doctorate, but we will also actively support you, for example through doctoral colleges, which will lead to a fruitful exchange with other doctoral candidates. We are always able to offer assistantships to individual doctoral candidates; we support others in applying for graduate fellowships.
One of the doctoral students from this partnership is now a professor of business law at Pforzheim University. Prof. Dr. Steffen Kroschwald completed a cooperative doctorate (Dr. jur.) in Kassel and, after several years of experience in industry, now teaches here in Pforzheim as one of the first business law graduates. Other universities have also conducted or are currently conducting cooperative doctorates with us, such as the University of Lüneburg, the University of Münster or the University of Oldenburg.
Our first graduate to earn a coveted "Dr. jur." was Mr. Fabian Rieß; he has since been followed by a number of other graduates.