Research for the future society - vunk publication series
The vunk series "Forschung für die Zukunftsgesellschaft” (“Research for the Future Society") publishes scientific contributions of vunk, its members and contributors and outstanding works of students. With its publication series vunk makes its core mission – conducting research user-oriented design of technology, economy and law on the basis of consensual fundamental values while balancing conflicting legitimate interests – visible to the public and scientific community.
"Research for the Future Society" is part of the series Beiträge der Hochschule Pforzheim (Contributions of Pforzheim University).
The editors: Prof. Dr. Tobias Brönneke, Prof. Dr. Steffen Kroschwald, Prof. Dr. Peter Heidrich, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Jautz, Prof. Dr. Hanno Beck, Patrik Schmidt LL.M., Prof. Dr. Marina Tamm, University Neubrandenburg