Prof. Dr. Torben Kuhlenkasper

Prof. Dr.

Torben Kuhlenkasper

Quantitative Methoden der Wirtschaftswissenschaften





Dienstags von 08:00 bis 09:30 Uhrim Raum W4.1.02


(07231) 28-6331



Torben Kuhlenkasper is Professor for Mathematics, Statistics and Econometrics at Pforzheim University, and head of the department of quantitative methods at the Business School. In addition to teaching undergraduate courses in mathematics and statistics, he also gives lectures on methods in quantitative marketing research, empirical methods in human resource management and methods of data science.
After completing his degrees in business and economics specializing in statistics and econometrics, he completed his doctorate in statistics at the University of Bielefeld in 2011, under the supervision of Göran Kauermann.
Until 2012 he was senior economist at the renowned Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI), where he continued his work and research around the application of flexible confirmative statistical methods in economics. He continued this research after 2012 when he took on the position as a Junior Professor of Applied Econometrics at the Goethe University Frankfurt. He is currently carrying out various research projects in modern financial econometrics and the Design of Experiments (DoE). He has published three textbooks in statistics.

Torben Kuhlenkasper works in empirical economic research and econometrics. He focuses on model-based quantification of complex economic and business connections.
The scope of his work ranges from the implementation and evaluation of employee surveys to the analysis and forecasting of international stock, financial and commodity markets using state-of-the-art statistical methods. The semi-parametric regression methods used here extent classical linear methods and allow to quantify complex interaction in economic contexts.
In a highly acclaimed publication with scientists at the Helmut Schmidt University of the German Armed Forces in Hamburg and the University of Lüneburg, he presented flexible semiparametric techniques to develop a new method for understanding these interactions. He analyzed, for example, the popularity of the US president in relation to the economic situation of the country. It was shown that there are nonlinear correlations between the inflation rate, the unemployment rate, and the public spending as explanatory factors, and the popularity of the US president. The method used here, which allows to quantify even complex economic contexts, was the starting point for further research on applications in both economics and business administration.

Econometrics ,  Mathematics ,  Quantitative Methods ,  Regression ,  Statistics ,  Quantitative Marketing Research ,  Datenanalyse ,  Empirical Research Methods ,  Empirical Economic Research ,  Market Research

2011 - Dr. rer. pol., Statistics and Econometrics
Universität Bielefeld

2007 - Diplom (Universitaet), Economics
Universität Bielefeld

2006 - Diplom (Universitaet), Business Administration
Universität Bielefeld

since 2013 - Pforzheim - Germany

Professor for Quantitative Methods

2012 - 2013 - Goethe Universität - Germany

Juniorprofessor for Applied Econometrics

2010 - 2012 - Hamburgisches WeltWirtschaftsInstitut (HWWI) - Germany

Senior Economist

2006 - 2010 - Kuhli's - Germany

General Manager with general power of attorney


Lehrpreis der Hochschule


Lehrpreis der Business-School Pforzheim

2013 - 2014

Third-best teaching in the Master programme (Goethe University)

2007 - 2010

Promotionsstipendium zur Förderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses

Quantitative Methods

Journal article

KUHLENKASPER, T., ARIN, K., FEESS, E., REICH, O. (2019). Negotiating with Terrorists: The Costs of Compliance. SOUTHERN ECONOMIC JOURNAL, 86 (1), 305-317. doi:10.1002/soej.12372.

KUHLENKASPER, T., ARIN, K., ZENKER, C., ANBARCI, N. (2018). Revisiting loss aversion: Evidence from Professional Tennis. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR & ORGANIZATION, 153, 1-18. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jebo.2017.10.014.


KUHLENKASPER, T., STEINHARDT, M. (2017). Who Leaves and When? - Selective Outmigration of Immigrants from Germany. Economic Systems, 41 (4), 610-621. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecosys.2017.01.001.

KUHLENKASPER, T., SCHELLHASE, C. (2017). Semi-parametric Estimation of Income Mobility with D-vines using Bivariate Penalized Splines. Allgemeines Statistisches Archiv, 11 (2), 107-134. doi:10.1007/s11943-017-0205-9.

KUHLENKASPER, T., BERLEMANN, M., ENKELMANN, S. (2015). Unraveling the Relationship between Presidential Approval and the Economy - A Multidimensional Semiparametric Approach. JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMETRICS, 30 (3), 468-486. doi:10.1002/jae.2380.

KUHLENKASPER, T., ERIN, P., NANDIALATH, A. (2015). Critical Thresholds for Budget Consolidations: A Semi-Parametric Approach. APPLIED ECONOMICS LETTERS, 22 (16), 1293-1297. doi:10.1080/13504851.2015.1026574.

KUHLENKASPER, T., ARIN, K., BERLEMANN, M., KORAY, F. (2013). Non-Linear Growth Effects of Taxation: A Semi-Parametric Approach Using Average Marginal Tax Rates. JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMETRICS, 28 (5), 883-899. doi:10.1002/jae.2311.

KUHLENKASPER, T., STEINHARDT, M. (2012). Neue Ergebnisse zur Struktur der Auswanderer mit Migrationshintergrund in Deutschland. Wirtschaftsdienst - Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik (11), 784-786.

KUHLENKASPER, T., KAUERMANN, G. (2010). Duration of Maternity Leave in Germany - A Case Study of Nonparametric Hazard Models and Penalized Splines. LABOUR ECONOMICS, 17 (3), 466-473. doi:10.1016/j.labeco.2009.12.001.


KUHLENKASPER, T., HANDL, A. (2019). Einführung in die statistische Auswertung von Experimenten - Theorie und Praxis mit R (1. ed.). Berlin: Springer Spektrum.

KUHLENKASPER, T., HANDL, A. (2018). Einführung in die Statistik - Theorie und Praxis mit R (1. ed.). Berlin: Springer Spektrum.

KUHLENKASPER, T., HANDL, A. (2017). Multivariate Analysemethoden - Theorie und Praxis mit R (3. ed.). Berlin: Springer Spektrum.


KUHLENKASPER, T. (2011). Working Females - A Modern Statistical Approach. PUB – Publications at Bielefeld University, Bielefeld. Universität Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany.

Chapter in Book

KUHLENKASPER, T., MÖLLER, S., SCHMIDT, A., STOCK, S., WALTER, M. (2018). Erkenntnisgewinn (2. ed.). In Stock, Schneider, Peper, Molitor (Eds.), Erfolgreich wissenschaftlich arbeiten - Alles, was Studierende wissen sollten (pp. 18-22). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

KUHLENKASPER, T., BEEK, M., HENNIG, C., LANG, K., RHODE, K., STOCK, S., WEIDMANN, D. (2018). Literaturrecherche (2. ed.). In Stock, Schneider, Peper, Molitor (Eds.), Erfolgreich wissenschaftlich arbeiten (pp. 58-62). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

KUHLENKASPER, T., BEEK, M., GRZANNA-ZSCHOKE, C., JÄGER, R. (2018). Lesemethoden (2. ed.). In Stock, Schneider, Peper, Molitor (Eds.), Erfolgreich wissenschaftlich arbeiten (pp. 70-72). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

KUHLENKASPER, T., LENNARTZ, J., HENZE, J., HENNIG, C. (2014). Textsatzsystem LaTeX (3. ed.). In Stock, Schneider, Peper, Molitor (Eds.), Erfolgreich Promovieren (pp. 133). Springer.

KUHLENKASPER, T., KAUERMANN, G. (2013). Penalized Splines and Multilevel Models (1. ed.). In Scott, Simonoff, Marx (Eds.), SAGE Handbook of Multilevel Modeling (pp. 325-333). SAGE Publications.

Online Publication

KUHLENKASPER, T., HANDL, A. (2014). Einführung in die Statistik mit R. Germany.

KUHLENKASPER, T., HANDL, A. (2013). Statistisches Qualitätsmanagement. Germany.

KUHLENKASPER, T., HANDL, A. (2013). Schätzen und Testen. Germany.

KUHLENKASPER, T., HANDL, A. (2013). Eine kleine Einführung in R. Eigenverlag, Germany.

KUHLENKASPER, T., HANDL, A. (2013). Statistik nach der Grundausbildung. Germany.

KUHLENKASPER, T., HANDL, A. (2013). Methoden der Datenanalyse. Germany.


KUHLENKASPER, T. (2022). Homeschooling-Studie aus Bad Essen: Bilanz von Schülern und Lehrern. Osnabrück, Germany.

Other administrative responsibility in academic service

since 2019

Fachgebietsleiter " Quantitative Methoden"

Pforzheim University Germany

Maintaining an active consulting practice (regular, not only on an informal basis)

since 2019

Gründer und Geschäftsführer "KuCADU"


2011 - 2012

Lead Partner Consultant for the minister of economy, labour and ports in the state of Bremen

Hamburgisches WeltWirtschaftsInstitut gGmbH Germany

Program Director



Editor (Journal)

since 2013

Associate Editor of the Review of Economics

Review of Economics Germany

Session/Track chair at a conference


Deutsche Statistische Gesellschaft an der FU Berlin Germany

Media Citation


Interview "Welche Rolle spielt die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung der USA bei der Beliebtheit des US-Präsidenten?"

NDR Info Germany


since 2011

Reviewer bei verschiedenen Double Blind Journals (Economic Letters, European Sociological Review etc.)


Academic association membership

since 2010

United States

since 2010


since 2008
