Prof. Dr.
Nadine Lindstädt-Dreusicke
Media Management und Marketing
MI 15.45 - 17.15 Uhr - Bitte tragen Sie sich auf Moodle ein.
(07231) 28-6311Nadine Lindstädt-Dreusicke is Professor of Media Management and Marketing at Pforzheim University. After completing her apprenticeship in advertising with the advertising agency Grabarz & Partner in Hamburg, she studied business administration / marketing at the university in Pforzheim. While working on her Master’s thesis on “Classic print media vs. online newspapers — substitution effects, complementarities, potentials for development”, a practical project carried out with the weekly newspaper DIE ZEIT and ZEIT online, Nadine Lindstädt-Dreusicke began to focus on the research areas of media management and media economics. After finishing her degree, she took up work in direct marketing at OTTO in Hamburg. From 2009 to 2011 she earned a doctor’s degree in media management and media economics at the University of Southern Denmark on the topic of “Media Markets Going Online: Effects and Consequences on Competition Structures”. Within the context of her cumulative dissertation, she focused on the US media market in one of her research articles and, accordingly, completed a research semester at the Penn State University in the USA. Furthermore, Nadine Lindstädt-Dreusicke lectured in English at the University of Southern Denmark for bachelor’s and master’s courses. After returning to Germany she first worked for a personnel and management consultancy before finally becoming Head of Consult at Engel & Völkers Resorts. Since the summer semester 2015 Nadine Lindstädt-Dreusicke teaches media management, media economics and marketing related classes at the Pforzheim University. Since September 2019 she is furthermore head of the study program BW / Media Management and Psychology of Advertising.
Nadine Lindstädt-Dreusicke’s research areas lie in media economics and media management and particularly in the developments, changes and challenges of media markets in view of digitalization and media convergence. In her Master’s thesis she dealt for the first time with the possible substitution or complementarity effects between the classic print medium of newspapers and the Internet. Using this as a basis, Nadine Lindstädt-Dreusicke researched the basic effects and consequences of digitalization and convergence of media markets on market and competitive structures within the context of her dissertation. A most recent research focus is on digital business models in the media sector à la video-on-demand, podcast as well on data-based business models. Thus, in past and current projects, she studies a variety of perpectives on the dynamic video-on-demand market and, together with her co-authors, explores the (media) usage behavior of the recipients and advertisers as well as the competition in audiovisual media markets based on empirical research. Other projects deal with the analysis and elaboration of the podcast potential for regional newspaper publishing houses. She has presented her research results to date at various international conferences such as the European Media Management Association (EMMA) Conference as well as the World Media Economics and Management Conference (WMEMC).
Media Management , Media Economics , Digital Business Models in the media sector , Video-on-Demand , Podcasts , Media Markets , Entertainment Markets , Entertainment Economics
2012 - Philosophiae Degree, Business Administration
Research areas: Media Economics and Media Management
University of Southern Denmark
2007 - Diplom (FH), Business Administration
Major field of study: Marketing
since 2015 - Hochschule Pforzheim / Pforzheim University - Germany
Professor for Media Management und Marketing
2013 - 2015 - Engel & Völkers Resorts GmbH - Germany
Head of Consult
2012 - 2013 - Engel & Völkers Resorts GmbH - Germany
Business Development Manager
2012 - Egon Zehnder International GmbH - Germany
Research Associate
2010 - 2011 - Pennsylvania State University - United States
Visiting Research Scholar
2009 - 2011 - University of Southern Denmark - Denmark
Ph.D. Research Fellow
2007 - 2008 - OTTO GmbH & Co. KG - Germany
Junior Marketing & Sales Manager
2001 - 2003 - Grabarz & Partner Werbeagentur GmbH - Germany
Apprenticeship in Marketing Communication
Marketing , Media Management , Current Topics of Media Management , Media Economics , Praxisprojekte in Media Management
Journal article
BUDZINSKI, O., GAENSSLE, S., LINDSTÄDT-DREUSICKE, N. (2021). The battle of YouTube, TV and Netflix: an empirical analysis of competition in audiovisual media markets. SN Business & Economics, 1 (116). doi:10.1007/s43546-021-00122-0.
LINDSTÄDT-DREUSICKE, N., BUDZINSKI, O. (2020). The Video-on-demand Market in Germany – Dynamics, Market Structure and the (Special) Role of YouTube. Journal of Media Management and Entrepreneurship, 2 (1), pp. 108-123.
BUDZINSKI, O., LINDSTÄDT-DREUSICKE, N. (2020). Antitrust policy in video-on-demand markets: the case of Germany. Journal of Antitrust Enforcement, pp. 1-21.
LINDSTÄDT-DREUSICKE, N. (2010). Multisided Media Markets: Applying the theory of multisided markets to media markets. Zeitschrift für Wettbewerbsrecht (ZWeR) (1/2010), pp. 53-80. Köln.
LINDSTÄDT-DREUSICKE, N., BUDZINSKI, O. (2010). Neuere Entwicklungen in der Medienökonomik: Das Konzept mehrseitiger Märkte. WiSt Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium (Heft 9), 436-443.
LINDSTÄDT-DREUSICKE, N. (2012). Media Markets Going Online: Effects and Consequences on Competition Structures. Esbjerg, Denmark.
Chapter in Book
BUDZINSKI, O., LINDSTÄDT-DREUSICKE, N., GAENSSLE, S. (2022). Data (r)evolution: the economics of algorithmic search and recommender services. In Sabine Baumann (Ed.), Handbook of Digital Business Ecosystems: Strategies, Platforms, Technologies, Governance and Societal Challenges ( ed., pp. 349-366). Edward Elgar Cheltenham.
LINDSTÄDT-DREUSICKE, N., MERZ, Y. (2022). Podcasts und regionale Verlagsmedien – eine tragfähige Symbiose? In Theobald, E., Gaiser, B. (Eds.), Brand Evolution ( ed., pp. 507–538). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
BUDZINSKI, O., LINDSTÄDT-DREUSICKE, N., GAENSSLE, S. (2021). Wettbewerb und Antitrust in Unterhaltungsmärkten. In Oliver Budzinski, Justus Haucap, Annika Stöhr, Dirk Wentzel (Eds.), Zur Ökonomik von Sport, Entertainment und Medien ( ed., pp. 111-143). Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
BUDZINSKI, O., LINDSTÄDT-DREUSICKE, N., KUNZ-KALTENHÄUSER, P. (2020). Ökonomische Effekte von Big Data - Grundlagen der modernen Datenökonomik. In M. Steven & T. Klünder (Ed.), Big Data – Große Datenmengen in Wirtschaft, Recht und Informatik. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
WENTZEL, D., LINDSTÄDT-DREUSICKE, N. (2018). Informationsbedarf, Informationsqualität und Medienstruktur. In Thieme, H. Jörg und Justus Haucap (Eds.), Wirtschaftspolitik im Wandel, Ordnungsdefizite und Lösungsansätze - Schriften zu Ord-nungsfragen der Wirtschaft ( ed., pp. 299-342). Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
LINDSTÄDT-DREUSICKE, N. (2010). Korreferat zu “Qualitätssicherung durch Akkreditierung”. T. Apolte & U. Vollmer. Bildungsökonomik und Soziale Marktwirtschaft, Schriften zu Ordnungsfragen der Wirtschaft. Lucius und Lucius.
Contribution to Series of Ext. Research Institute
LINDSTÄDT-DREUSICKE, N. (2010). Germany’s PSB going Online – Is there an Economic Justification for Public Service Media Online? Athen, Greece.
Article in Proceedings
LINDSTÄDT-DREUSICKE, N., THEOBALD, E., BUDZINSKI, O., NOSKOVA, V. (2022). Offline versus Online Video Advertising Spending Behavior. A Detailed Report of an Empirical Study among Marketing Experts in Germany. Internet-Intermediäre und virtuelle Plattformen medienökonomisch betrachtet: Proceedings zur Jahrestagung der Fachgruppe Medienökonomie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft 2021, Hamburg (pp. 43-54).
LINDSTÄDT-DREUSICKE, N. (2009). Klassisches Printmedium vs. Onlinezeitung – Substitutionseffekte oder Komplementaritäten?. Medienökonomik – Theoretische Grundlagen und ordnungspolitische Gestaltungsalternativen, hrsg. von D. Wentzel, Schriften zu Ordnungsfragen der Wirtschaft, Band 89, Lucius & Lucius.
Member of the Board
since 2024
Vice Dean
Hochschule Pforzheim, Fakultät Wirtschaft und Recht Germany
Program Director
since 2024
Program Director BWL / Media Management and Digital Media
Hochschule Pforzheim, Fakultät Wirtschaft und Recht Germany
since 2019
Studiendekanin BW/Media Management und Werbepsychologie
Pforzheim University Germany
Presentation at a Conference
Media vs. Tech giants – on the co-evolution of strategy and market structure
NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences & Erasmus University Netherlands
Understanding Consumer Preferences in the Digital Landscape – Empirical Evidence from Instagram
European Media Management Association Spain
From Offline to Online – An empirical analysis of video advertising spending behavior
European Media Management Association (EMMA) Conference Sweden
How to pay for video streaming services? A Conjoint Analysis on user preferences and their willingness to pay
European Media Management Association (EMMA) Conference Sweden
From Offline to Online – An empirical analysis of video advertising spending behavior
Fachgruppe Medienökonomie der DGPuK Germany
How to pay for video streaming services? A Conjoint Analysis on user preferences and their willingness to pay
Fachgruppe Medienökonomie der DGPuK Germany
From Offline to Online? – An Empirical Analysis of Video Advertising Spending Behavior From Offline to Online? – An Empirical Analysis of Video Advertising Spending Behavior
World Media Economics and Management Conference (WMEMC) Italy
YouTube vs. Netflix - An Empirical Analysis of Consumer Behaviour and Competition in Audiovisual Online Markets
European Media Management Association (EMMA) Conference Cyprus
The New Media Economics of Video-on-Demand Markets: Lessons for Competiton Policy
Hohenheimer Oberseminar Germany
The New Media Economics of Video-on-Demand Markets: Lessons for Competiton Policy
Verein für Sozialpolitik Germany
Newspaper vs. Online Advertising – Is there a Niche for Newspapers in Modern Advertising Markets
European Media Management Association (EMMA) Conference Russia
Germany’s PSB going online – is there an economic justification for Public Service Media online
World Media Economics and Management Conference (WMEMC) Colombia
Germany’s PSB going online – is there an economic justification for Public Service Media online
8th Annual International Conference on Communication and Mass Media Greece
Multisided Media Markets: Applying the theory of multisided markets to media markets
32. Hohenheimer Oberseminar Germany
Traditional newspapers vs. online media - substitutional effects or complementarities?
Internationales Forschungsseminar Radein e.V. Italy
Leader of a project in cooperation with a company; the project length is typically not less than one semester but could be limited to one semester
Praxisprojekt zur Erarbeitung einer Online-Strategie entlang des Marketing-Funnels für die eCommerceDB
eCommerceDB GmbH Germany
Praxisprojekt zur Erarbeitung einer App-Strategie für Statista
Praxisprojekt zur Erarbeitung eines Kommunikationskonzepts für einen Automobilkunden im Premiumsegment
Grabarz & Partner Werbeagentur GmbH Germany
2021 - 2022
Miteinander leben Germany
Praxisprojekt zur Erarbeitung einer Vermarktungskonzeption für die Qymatix Online Academy
Qymatix Solutions GmbH Germany
Praxisprojekt mit Grabarz & Partner zu einem Kommunikationskonzept für Fielmann
Grabarz & Partner Werbeagentur GmbH Germany
2019 - 2020
Praxisprojekt mit DDB zu einem Kommunikationskonzept für die Deutsche Telekom
DDB Tribal Germany
2019 - 2020
Praxisprojekt mit DDB zu einem Kommunikationskonzept für die Lufthansa
DDB Tribal Germany
Praxisprojekt mit PZ Medienhaus "Potenzialanalyse und Ableitung eines geeigneten Kundenakquisitionskonzept für TV-BW Medienproduktionen""
2018 - 2019
Praxisprojekt mit Gruner + Jahr "Zielgruppenerweiterung für den Stern"Praxisprojekt mit Gruner und Jahr "Zielgruppenerweiterung für den Stern"
Business Project Media Management
Brigitte Academy (Gruner + Jahr) Germany
2016 - 2017
Business Project Media Management
Praxisprojekt mit der 25hours Hotel Company GmbH Germany
Business Project in Media Management
Praxisprojekt mit der Graf Hardenberg-Gruppe (Richard Gramling GmbH & Co. KG) Germany
2015 - 2016
Business Projekt in Media Management
Praxisprojekt mit der OTTO GmbH & Co. KG Germany
Business Project in Media Management
Praxisprojekt mit der ALTANA AG Germany
Gutachtertätigkeit für die Zeitschrift Medien und Kommunikationswissenschaft
Reviewer für Journal "Review of Network Economics"
Gutachterin für "ORDO"
since 2019
Mitglied im Marketing-Club Hamburg
Marketing-Club Hamburg Germany
since 2019
Mitglied der European Media Management Association (EMMA)
European Media Management Association Germany
Equal Opportunity Officer
2016 - 2017
Member of a Program Committee
since 2015
Dezentrale Studienkommission BW / Media Management und Werbepsychologie
Pforzheim University Germany
Counselling of high school students/school visits/presentations
Studieninformationstage (SIT)