Prof. Dr. rer. nat.
Tobias Preckel
Do.: 9:45-11:15, T2.4.16 Anmeldung per Mail
(07231) 28-6474Tobias Preckel is Professor of Medical Engineering at Pforzheim University of Applied Sciences. He teaches Hygiene & Radiation Protection, Molecular Diagnostics, Biochemistry, Human Biology and Personalized Medicine. His research focuses on the development of diagnostic applications and technologies for the analysis of molecular markers.
He studied Chemistry at the University of Freiburg and received his doctoral degree at the Max-Planck-Institute for Immunobiology. Subsequently, he joined Johnson & Johnson and conducted research at the R. W. Johnson Pharmaceutical Research Institute in La Jolla, USA. Afterwards, Tobias Preckel worked for over 15 years in various positions (R&D, international marketing, application development & management) at international suppliers of analytical measurement instrumentation for pharmaceutical applications and medical devices. Lastly, he was responsible for life-science application development and headed a research facility in Bangalore, India.
Molecular Biology, Molecular Immunology, Molecular Diagnostics, Biochemistry, Medical Engineering, personalized medicine
R&D Management, Technology Transfer & Product Development, Application Development for Pharma, Life Sciences, medical engineering and clinical research
international Product Management & commercialization in the segments Medical Engineering & Life Sciences
Technology Management , R&D in India , Instrument-based analysis , Molecular diagnostics , Molecular biology , Microfluidics , Medical Engineering , Life Sciences , Protein Analysis , Immunology , Flusszytometrie , Laboratory Diagnostics , Biochemistry , Precision Medicine , Clinical Hygiene
1998 - Dr. rer. nat., Immunology
Max-Planck-Institut für Immunbiologie
1995 - Diplom (Universitaet), Chemistry
since 2015 - Fakultät für Technik, Hochschule Pforzheim - Germany
2011 - 2015 - Agilent Technologies GmbH - Germany
Director Life Science Applications & Strategic Planning
2009 - 2011 - Agilent Technologies GmbH - India
Life Science Center India Manager
2004 - 2009 - Agilent Technologies GmbH - Germany
Produkt Marketing Manager
2002 - 2004 - Agilent Technologies GmbH - Germany
Project Lead (R&D)
1999 - 2001 - Hewlett Packard GmbH - Germany
Research Scientist (R&D)
1998 - 1999 - Johnson & Johnson, R.W. Johnson Pharmaceutical Research Institute -
Research Scientist (Target Validation)
Medical Engineering, Biochemistry, Molecular Diagnostics, Human Biology, Radiation Protection & Hygiene , Negotiation, Conflict Management, Presentation Skills
Journal article
KOBER, K., SECOVIC, E., VOGEL, L., BIEHL, V., PRECKEL, T. (2024). Einfluss eines Lithographie-basierten Metalldruck-Verfahrens auf die Zytotoxizität von korrosionsbeständigem Stahl AISI 316L. Biokompatibilität von 3D-gedruckten Metallen. mt-medizintechnik, 144 (5), pp. 29-35. Köln.
PRECKEL, T., KERN, M., HEIDRICH, P. (2023). Neuartige Beatmungshilfe zur Unterstützung von First Respondern. Elsevier Emergency: Fachmagazin für Rettungsdienst und Notfallmedizin, 03, pp. 40-47. München.
PRECKEL, T. (2021). Leben mit der Pandemie. Was lernen wir aus Corona? Konturen : die Hochschulzeitschrift, 40, 22-25.
KERN, M., HETZNECKER, A., PRECKEL, T. (2021). Automatische Blutdruckmessung im Rettungsdienst. Elsevier Emergency: Fachmagazin für Rettungsdienst und Notfallmedizin (1/2021), pp. 50-56. München.
EICHHORST, C., HETZNECKER, A., PRECKEL, T. (2021, July). Bessere Lebensqualität durch automatisierte Insulinpumpen. Umfragebasierte Untersuchung. mt-medizintechnik, 03/2021 (03), pp. 31-36. Köln.
PRECKEL, T., SEIFERT, S. (2020). Der Datenschutz muss stimmen. TRANSFER - Das Steinbeis-Magazin (02/20), pp. 47-49. Stuttgart.
PRECKEL, T. (2020). Need For Speed. TRANSFER - Das Steinbeis-Magazin, 01/20, pp. 90-91. Stuttgart.
PRECKEL, T. (2019, December). New developments in diagnostic instrumentation as a prerequisite for quick treatment decisions supporting personalized therapeutic approaches in oncology. International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology, Special Issue (ICTIMESH), pp. 5-9. Neu Delhi.
PRECKEL, T., EIDEL, U. (2019). Konfliktbewältigung und Verhandlungsführung als Kernkompetenzen. Konturen : die Hochschulzeitschrift, 38, 124-125.
PRECKEL, T., SEIFERT, S. (2018, July). At the end of the day, the key consideration has to be what is best for the patient. TRANSFER - Das Steinbeis-Magazin, Feature Topic (2), pp. 1-3. Stuttgart.
PRECKEL, T. (2015). Die Suche nach der Vielfalt - Arbeiten an Grenzflächen. Konturen : die Hochschulzeitschrift, 35 (33), 130-131.
PRECKEL, T., NACCACHE, P. (2009). CE–LIF–MS analysis for the characterization of antibodies. LCGC, 7, pp. 15.
VITZTHUM, F., SIEST, G., BUNK, D., PRECKEL, T., WENZ, C., HOERTH, P., SCHULZE-KNAPPE, P., TAMMEN, H., ADAMKIEWICZ, J., MERLINI, G., ... ANDERSON, N. (2007). Metrological sharp shooting for plasma proteins and peptides: The need for reference materials for accurate measurements in clinical proteomics and in vitro diagnostics to generate reliable results. Proteomics Clinical Applications, 1, 1016-1035.
MASOTTI, A., PRECKEL, T. (2006). Analysis of small RNAs with the Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer. NATURE METHODS, 3, 658.
BAILEY, J., MROZINSKI, P., PRECKEL, T., MILLER, C., MARTOSELLA, J., KINCAID, R. (2006). New sample fractionation strategies for proteomic analyses by LC-MS. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, 21, pp. 5.
HOERTH, P., MILLER, C., PRECKEL, T., WENZ, C. (2006). Efficient Fractionation and Improved Protein Identification by Peptide OFFGEL Electrophoresis. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, 5, 1968.
KUHN, J., HOERTH, P., HOEHN, S., PRECKEL, T., TOMER, K. (2006). Proteomics study of anthrax lethal toxin-treated murine macrophages. ELECTROPHORESIS, 27, 1584.
KUSCHEL, M., BUHLMANN, C., PRECKEL, T. (2005). High throughput protein and DNA analysis based on microfluidic on-chip electrophoresis. JALA, 10, 319.
PALKOVA, Z., VACHOVA, L., VALER, M., PRECKEL, T. (2004). Single cell analysis of yeast, mammalian cells and fungal spores with a microfluidic pressure driven chip-based system. CYTOMETRY PART A, 59A, 246.
CHAN, S., LÜDKE, G., VALER, M., BUHLMANN, C., PRECKEL, T. (2003). Cytometric analysis of protein expression and apoptosis in human primary cells with a novel microfluidic chip-based system. CYTOMETRY PART A, 59A, 246.
GOTTWALD, E., LAHNI, B., LÜDKE, G., PRECKEL, T., BUHLMANN, C. (2003). Intracellular HSP72 detection in HL60 cells using a flow cytometry system based on microfluidic analysis. BIOTECHNIQUES, 35, 358.
BUHLMANN, C., PRECKEL, T., CHAN, S., LÜDKE, G., VALER, M. (2003). A new tool for routine testing of cellular protein expression – Integration of cell staining and analysis of protein expression on a microfluidic chip-based system. Journal of Biomolecular Techniques, 14, 119.
BUHLMANN, C., PRECKEL, T., LÜDKE, G. (2002). Lab-on-a-chip Technologie für flusszytometrische Analysen. Laborwelt, 1/2002, pp. 22.
PRECKEL, T., LÜDKE, G., CHAN, S., WANG, B., DUBROW, R., BUHLMANN, C. (2002). Detection of Cellular Parameters Using a Microfluidic Chip-Based System. JALA, 7, 85.
SESTER, M., FEUERBACH, D., FRANK, R., PRECKEL, T., GUTERMANN, A., BURGERT, H. (2000). The Amyloid Precursor-like Protein 2 Associates with the Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I Molecule Kd. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 275, 3645.
LI, Y., SALTER-CID, L., VITIELLO, A., PRECKEL, T., LEE, J., ANGULO, A., CAI, Z., ... PETERSON, P. (2000). Regulation of transporter associated with antigen processing by phosphorylation. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 275, 24130.
MARTIN, S., LAPPIN, M., KOHLER, J., DELATTRE, V., LEICHT, C., PRECKEL, T., SIMON, J., ... WELTZIEN, H. (2000). Peptide Immunization indicates that CD8+ T cells are the dominant effector cells in trinitrophenyl-specific contact hypersensitivity. JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY, 115, 260.
PRECKEL, T., HELLWIG, S., PFLUGFELDER, U., LAPPIN, M., WELTZIEN, H. (2000). Clonal anergy induced in a CD8+ hapten-specific cytotoxic T cell clone by an altered hapten-peptide ligand. IMMUNOLOGY, 102, 8.
PRECKEL, T., LEUNG, W., CAI, Z., VITIELLO, A., SALTER-CID, L., WINQUIST, O., WOLFE, T., VON HERRATH, M., ANGULO, A., GHAZAL, P., LEE, J., FOURIE, A., WU, Y., PANG, J., NGO, K., PETERSON, P., FRÜH, K., ... YANG, Y. (1999). Impaired Immunoproteasome Assembly and Immune Responses in PA28-/- Mice. SCIENCE, 286, 2162-2165. doi:10.1126/science.286.5447.2162.
PRECKEL, T., BRELOER, M., KOHLER, H., VON BONIN, A., WELTZIEN, H. (1998). Partial agonism and independent modulation of T cell receptor and CD8 in hapten-specific cytotoxic T cells. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, 28, 3706.
PRECKEL, T., GRIMM, R. (1997). Altered hapten ligands antagonize trinitrophenyl-specific cytotoxic T cells and block internalization of hapten-specific receptors. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE, 185, 1803-1813. doi:10.1084/jem.185.10.1803.
SESTER, M., FEUERBACH, D., PRECKEL, T., ELSING, A., FRANK, R., BURGERT, H. (1997). The MHC K d molecule interacts with the amyloid precursor like protein 2. IMMUNOLOGY LETTERS, 56, 238.
PRECKEL, T. (1998). T-Zell Rezeptor Antagonismus und Partieller Agonismus in Hapten-spezifischen zytotoxischen T-Zellen. Universität Freiburg i. Br. Germany.
Chapter in Book
PRECKEL, T. (2019). Der Kollege ist kein Säbelzahntiger - Erkenntnisse aus der Hirnforschung. In Ulrike Eidel, Barbara Tybusseck (Eds.), Konflikte lösen - Verhandeln unter Stress (1 ed., pp. 22-31). Haufe.
PRECKEL, T. (2019). Alleinerziehend mit Kind und Elternteil - Die Transaktionsanalyse. In Ulrike Eidel, Barbara Tybusseck (Eds.), Konflikte lösen - Verhandeln unter Stress (1 ed., pp. 61-69). Haufe.
PRECKEL, T. (2019). Lassen Sie den Colt zuhause - Gewaltfreie Kommunikation. In Ulrike Eidel, Barbara Tybusseck (Eds.), Konflikte lösen - Verhandeln unter Stress (1 ed., pp. 311-320). Haufe.
PRECKEL, T., BECKER, J., LUTZ, D., EROK, M., GRAU, A.-K., VIELHAUER, O. (2019). Überprüfung der Echtheit von Lebensmitteln anhand genetischer Untersuchungen. In A. Boos, T. Brönneke, A. Wechsler (Eds.), Konsum und nachhaltige Entwicklung. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
PRECKEL, T. (2010). Analysis of Single Cells Using Lab-on-a-Chip Systems. In Jason S Kim & Frances S Ligler (Ed.), The Microflow Cytometer ( ed., pp. 25-35). Pan Stanford Publishing.
Other administrative responsibility in academic service
since 2024
Chairman of the Ethics Committee at Pforzheim University
HochschulePforzheim Germany
since 2021
Representative for Biological Safety at Pforzheim University of Applied Sciences
HochschulePforzheim Germany
Program Director
since 2024
Dean of Study Master Medical Engineering
Dean of Study Medical Engineering
2016 - 2017
Dean of Study Medical Engineering
Research Semester/Sabbatical
Visiting Professor
Lakehead University Canada