Prof. Dr.
Thomas Schuster
Mittwoch, 15:30-17:00 Uhr, Raum W2.2.23
(07231) 28-6111Thomas Schuster is Professor of Database and Software Engineering. He is associated to the field of information systems at the Faculty of Economics and Law. He currently directs the business administration/digital enterprise management and business informatics-management & IT programs (both B. Sc.). He is lecturer in a number of master classes. He also has teaching responsibilities at the AHP - Akademie a der Hochschule Pforzheim and the HECTOR School of Engineering & Management.
In addition to serving as the director of the futureLAB, he also serves as the scientific coordinator for the joint project KI Lab (between Wirtschaftsförderung Nordschwarzwald GmbH and Hochschule Pforzheim). He is the campus IT's scientific coordinator at Pforzheim University (central IT department). His research interests encompass software engineering, technology enhanced data protection, and sustainability of cloud applications.
Information Systems , Data Analytics , Information Security & Privacy , Software Engineering , Information Technology and Communication Technology , Cloud Computing , Sustainability of cloud applications
2012 - Dr. rer. pol.
Karlsruhe Institute ofTechnology (KIT)
2007 - Diplom-Informatiker
Universität Karlsruhe (TH)
since 2016 - Hochschule Pforzheim - Germany
Business Information Systems
Journal article
STAMMLER, B., FLAMMER, K., SCHUSTER, T., LAMBERT, M., KARNATH, H.-O. (2023). Negami: An Augmented Reality App for the Treatment of Spatial Neglect After Stroke. JMIR Serious Games, 11, e40651. doi:10.2196/40651.
HEINRICH, S., KREFT, N., SCHUSTER, T., VOLZ, R. (2023). A Total Cost of Ownership Model for Cloud Computing Infrastructure. Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 5779-5788.
SCHOLZ, G., SCHUSTER, T. (2021). ProPhi: Eine neue Methode zur Auswahl einer passenden Projektmanagementphilosophie. WI-MAW-Rundbrief, 27 (1), pp. 44-55.
RÖSCH, D., SCHUSTER, T., WAIDELICH, L., ALPERS, S., BESKOROVAJNOV, W., GRÖLL, R., TRAN, H. (2020). Muster zur datenschutzorientierten Implementierung von IT-Diensten. Musterbasierte Umsetzung der DS-GVO aus System- und Prozesssicht. Zeitschrift für Datenschutz, 3 / 2020, 129-135.
SCHUSTER, T., WAIDELICH, L. (2019). Internetbasierte Mobilitätsdienste – Ein Lösungsansatz zur effizienten individuellen Mobilität? Journal für Mobilität und Verkehr, 02/2019, pp. 50 ff.
SCHUSTER, T., CHRISTOPH, J., RÖSCH, D., WAIDELICH, L. (2019). Current Progress in Cross-Platform Application Development - Evaluation of Frameworks for Mobile Application Development. International Journal On Advances in Software, 12 (1 & 2), pp. 30 - 45.
SCHUSTER, T., HERFURTH, M. (2017, June). Design Pattern-based Modeling of Collaborative Service Chains. International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems, vol. 10 (no. 1 & 2), pp. 117-135. Wilmington, DE.
SCHUSTER, T., GALLER, D. (2016). Microservices – Live und in Farbe. Java aktuell, 3, pp. 44 - 48.
SCHUSTER, T., BECKER, C., KAGERBAUER, M., HILGERT, T. (2016). Optimization of Individual Travel Behavior through Customized Mobility Services and their Effects on Travel Demand and Transportation Systems. Transportation Research Procedia, 58-69.
ALPERS, S., HUBER, M., SCHUSTER, T., SCHEIDECKER, P. (2014). Prozessorientierte Bedrohungsanalyse für IT-gestützte mobile Aufgabenerfüllung. HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 51 (1), 56-63.
RAU, K.-H., SCHUSTER, T., SCHUSTER, T. (2021). Agile objektorientierte Software-Entwicklung (2nd ed.). Wiesbaden: Springer Vieweg.
SCHUSTER, T. (2012). Modellierung, Integration und Analyse von Ressourcen in Geschäftsprozessen.
Chapter in Book
WAIDELICH, L., LAMBERT, M., AL-WASHASH, Z., KROSCHWALD, S., SCHUSTER, T., DÖRING, N. (2023). Using Large Language Models for the Enforcement of Consumer Rights in Germany. In Maślankowski, J., Marcinkowski, B., Rupino da Cunha, P. (eds) Digital Transformation. PLAIS EuroSymposium 2023. (Eds.), Digital Transformation. PLAIS EuroSymposium 2023. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol 495 (pp. 1-15). Springer.
WAIDELICH, L., SCHUSTER, T. (2023). Privacy Pattern Catalog Approach for GDPR Compliant Appliance: From Legal Requirements to Technology Design (1 ed.). In Jacek Maślankowski, Bartosz Marcinkowski, Paulo Rupino da Cunha (Eds.), Digital Transformation. PLAIS EuroSymposium 2023. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol 495 (pp. 88-102). Springer.
SCHUSTER, T., WAIDELICH, L. (2022). Maturity of Artificial Intelligence in SMEs: Privacy and Ethics Dimensions (1 ed.). In Luis M. Camarinha-Matos, Angel Ortiz, Xavier Boucher, A. Luís Osório (Eds.), Collaborative Networks in Digitalization and Society 5.0 (pp. 274-286). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
SCHUSTER, T., SCHUSTER, T., WAIDELICH, L., VOLZ, R. (2021). Maturity Models for the Assessment of Artificial Intelligence in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (1st ed.). In Stanislaw Wrycza, Jacek Maslankowski (Eds.), Digital Transformation (pp. 22-36). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
SCHUSTER, T., WAIDELICH, L., ALPERS, S. (2020). Datenschutz im Marketing. In Deutscher Dialogmarketing Verband e.V. (Ed.), Dialogmarketing Perspektiven 2019/2020 (pp. 73-83). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
Article in Proceedings
WAIDELICH, L., SCHUSTER, T. (2023). Literature Review on Privacy Patterns: Insights, Challenges and Future Directions Future Directions. ACIS 2023 Proceedings. Association for Information Systems.
LAMBERT, M., SCHUSTER, T., KESSEL, M., ATKINSON, C. (2023). Robustness Analysis of Machine Learning Models Using Domain-Specific Test Data Perturbation. Progress in Artificial Intelligence (pp. 158-170). Springer Nature Switzerland.
SCHUSTER, T., GIEZA, M., KOELMEL, B., WAIDELICH, L. (2022). Digital Mobility Services for Communities: Flexible boarding points for campus ridesharing. EnviroInfo 2022 (pp. 257-266). Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI).
SCHUSTER, T. (2022). ProPhi: Eine neue Methode zur Auswahl einer passenden Projektmanagementphilosophie. Projektmanagement und Vorgehensmodelle 2022 - Virtuelle Zusammenarbeit und verlorene Kulturen? (pp. 141-153). Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI).
DÖRING, N., SCHUSTER, T., VOLZ, R., KREISS, J. (2021). Brezel-Cast: Verkaufsprognose von Backwaren. INFORMATIK 2021 (pp. 1177-1183). Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI).
SCHUSTER, T., VOLZ, R., WAIDELICH, L. (2021). Reifegradmodelle zur Bewertung Künstlicher Intelligenz in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen. INFORMATIK 2021 (pp. 1237-1246). Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI).
SCHUSTER, T., VOLZ, R. (2019). Predicting Parking Demand with Open Data. 18th IFIP Conference on on e-Business, e-Services and e-Societ (pp. 218–229).
SCHUSTER, T., RÖSCH, D., WAIDELICH, L., ALPERS, S., BESKOROVAJNOV, W., GRÖLL, R., TRAN, H. (2019). Muster zur praxisorientierten Umsetzung und konformen Nutzung der DSGVO. Konferenzband Informatik 2019.
SCHUSTER, T., RÖSCH, D., WAIDELICH, L., ALPERS, S. (2019). Privacy Control Patterns for Compliant Application of GDPR. In Proceedings 25th Americas Conference on Information Systems.
WEISS, P., WARG, M., ZOLNOWSKI, A., SCHUSTER, T. (2018). Service Dominant Architecture: Conceptualizing the Foundation for Execution of Digital Strategies based on S-D logic. Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Waikoloa Village, HI.At: Waikoloa Village, Hawaii (pp. 1630-1639).
SCHUSTER, T. (2018). Cross-Platform Development - Suitability of Current Mobile Application Frameworks. COLLA 2018.
SCHUSTER, T., HERFURTH, M. (2017). Domain-oriented design patterns for service processes. Patterns, The Ninth International Conferences on Pervasive Patterns and Applications (PATTERNS) (pp. 134-139).
SCHUSTER, T., HERFURTH, M. (2016). Mobilty Services – Does Individual Optimization Scale Out?. COLLA 2016, The Sixth International Conference on Advanced Collaborative Networks, Systems and Applications (pp. 55-61).
SCHUSTER, T., HERFURTH, M. (2016). Integrated Modeling Approach iServMod for Modeling, Analysis and Execution of Collaborative Service Processes in Service Chains. COLLA 2016, The Sixth International Conference on Advanced Collaborative Networks, Systems and Applications (pp. 70-77).
SCHUSTER, T., BECKER, C., HILGERT, T., KAGERBAUER, M. (2016). Optimierung von Verkehrsverhalten auf Basis individueller Mobilitätsassistenz. Optimization of Individual Travel Behavior through Customized Mobility Services. VDE-Kongress 2016 - IoT Internet der Dinge (pp. 1 - 6).
SCHUSTER, T., BECKER, C., KAGERBAUER, M., HILGERT, T. (2016). Optimization of Individual Travel Behavior through Customized Mobility Services and their Effects on Travel Demand and Transportation Systems. mobil.TUM - International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport.
SCHUSTER, T., GALLER, D. (2016). Microservices mit Vert.x und der Oracle SOA Suite. DOAG 2016 - Konferenz und Ausstellung (pp. 6 pages).
ERYILMAZ, E., KAGERBAUER, M., SCHUSTER, T., WOLF, O. (2014). Collaborative management of intermodal mobility. PRO-VE Proceedings, 15th IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprise, Amsterdam, Niederlande, 2014.
HERFURTH, M., SCHUSTER, T., WEISS, P. (2013). Decision Support based on Simulation Analysis of Service Procurement Scenarios. eChallenges Proceedings, e 2013 Conference, Dublin, Irland, 2013.
HERFURTH, M., SCHUSTER, T., WEISS, P. (2012). E-Business for Services: Simulation- based Analysis of E-Business Solution Concepts for Service Procurement Scenarios. eChallenges Proceedings, e 2012 Conference, Lisabon, Portugal, 2012.
SCHUSTER, T., WEISS, P. (2010). A New Approach to Competence-Based Business Partner Profiles for Collaborative Business Process Management. PRO-VE 2010: Collaborative Networks for a Sustainable World (pp. 356 - 363).
Online Publication
MARX, U., MORELLI, F., SCHUSTER, T., DÖRING, N. (2024). Infektionsdaten effizient melden. Datenstrategien zur Erfassung und Bereitstellung meldepflichtiger Infektionsdaten. NEGZ-Kurzstudie, Germany.
Program Director
since 2022
Program director Digital Enterprise Management (B. Sc.)
since 2021
Program director Wirtschaftsinformatik - Management & IT (B. Sc.)
since 2020
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
United States
since 2007
Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.
Leader of a project funded from public institutions
since 2020
KI Lab Nordschwarzwald
2017 - 2019
Einfaches Digitales Vergessen (EDV)
Other administrative responsibility in academic service
since 2020
Scientific coordinator of campus IT
Head of an Institute
since 2017
Leitung futureLab
Member of a working committee
since 2016
GI Botschafter
Expert Assessement/Evaluation
since 2016
since 2014
2012 - 2018
Conference on Advanced Collaborative Networks, Systems and Applications (COLLA)
United States