Peter Jacobi Scholarship 2023
For the second time, the Peter Jacobi Foundation for Art and Design is offering a scholarship. In this round, the call goes to designers in the field of mobility. You have been a designer for several years and would like to think, develop and implement an innovative project on the topic of "Future Mobility" with a clear attitude in your design work?
Then apply to us!
The scholarship of the Peter Jacobi Foundation for Art and Design
The Peter Jacobi Foundation for Art and Design scholarship is awarded every two years to artists and designers who already have a convincing body of work and need financial support to carry out a new project.
What does the scholarship offer?
The scholarship is endowed with 30,000.00 euros.
The quality of the work and the project proposal is decisive for the award of the scholarship. The decision is made by an expert jury consisting of artists*, designers*, professors and representatives of the foundation.
General conditions:
The scholarship begins on March 1st, 2023 and ends on February 29th, 2024. Associated with the scholarship is a teaching assignment at the Faculty of Design of the University as well as a public presentation in Pforzheim.
Who can apply for the scholarship?
Designers from all design disciplines who live or work in Germany are invited to apply.
You apply with the portfolio of your design work (vita, documentation of previous projects, publications) and your project on the topic "Future Mobilty".
Application modalities:
Applications must be submitted digitally at PeterJacobiStiftung.Ausschreibung(at)pforzheim(dot)de
Application deadline is October 15, 2022.
Inquiries can be directed by phone or in writing to:
Pforzheim Cultural Office
Ms. Angelika Drescher
Phone 07231 391372
Mail angelika.drescher(at)pforzheim(dot)de
Questions regarding content answered by:
Prof. Johann Stockhammer
Mail johann.stockhammer(at)hs-pforzheim(dot)de