Are you interested in studying abroad?

All students at Pforzheim University have the opportunity to include a semester abroad in their studies. Find out more about the semester abroad as well as the requirements for an application.

(Source: Corvinus University)
Bilkent University (source: Bilkent University)
  • You can find information about our partner universities at the folliwng website.
  • To find more information about the countries, you can visit the DAAD website (DAAD country profiles or Gate-Germany country profiles).

If you have any questions about the partner universities, please do not contact the partner university directly, but contact us first.



1. Language certificate: For an application you will need a B2 certificate in English and/or other languages depending on your university choices.

If you do not have a B2-level language certificate, please contact the language center of our university. Where applicable they might require you to participate in a short exam or issue you a certificate directly.

ATTENTION: Partner universities might expect a specific language certificate for their application. Please inform yourself early on about the requirements of your preferred universities.

2. Bachelor pre-dregree examination ("Bachelorvorprüfungsnote") for Bachelor students or your Bachelor examination for master students.


Timetable (Source: Presenation Outgoing-Event)

This timeline provides an overview of when you should schedule which steps.

If you would like to switch your internship semester with your semester abroad, you can find more information and the necessary application form here.

Please consider the TOEFL test in your time planning. All information about the preparation courses can be found on the website of the Language Center.

For the winter semester: November 30 of the previous year

For the summer semester: May 31 of the previous year

*Application deadlines Faculty of Design: Please check the Incom International webpage for further information.



We will be happy to advise you:

For questions regarding the application process at Pforzheim University as well as at the partner universities, please contact:

Alina Ziss & Annika Klein - Outgoing-Coordinators at the International Office

In addition to all the information on our website, we also offer a colloqium. This always takes place on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 11:00 to 12:30 in room W1.2.13 & W1.2.14 or on Thursdays by phone from 11:00 to 12:00 and 14:00 to 15:00 at 07231-286142 and +497231-286876 . You do not need to register in advance for this.

For course-specific questions, please contact the faculty coordinators:

School of Engineering: Prof. Dr. Moritz Peter/ Henriette Schürger

Business School: Prof. Dr. Thomas Cleff/ Susanne Glas

School of Design: Prof. Dr. Sibylle Klose/ Barbara Dofek