Extension of Stay

Every student, staying longer than one semester at Pforzheim University, has to be re-enrolled for every semester. This includes Double Degree students, students doing an internship while being enrolled in Pforzheim and students who want to extend their stay at Pforzheim University. 

The enrollment fee of around 120€ has to be transferred latest February 15th for the spring semester and latest July 31st for the fall semester. 

Note: You need a confirmation by your home university if you would like to extend your stay (Not needed for Double Degree Students)

          You will need to be continuously enrolled at your home university for the whole stay.


For extending their visa and/or health insurance can download a new enrollment proof online. In order to obtain the document, the enrollment fee has to be transferred. After having your visa and/or health insurance prolonged, a copy of the prolonged visa and/or confirmation of the health insurance have to be handed in to the International Programs Office. 


The sending institution needs to confirm an internship in Germany. A short confirmation, signed by the outgoing coordinator of the sending institution, has to be handed in to the International Programs Office or sent via email as well as a confirmation of the company. The student will need to upload the internship contract as a proof on Mobility Online as well.