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In addition to the Rectorate, the University Board and the Senate are two further decision-making comittees of the university.

As anchored in the State Higher Education Act (§ 20 LHG), the University Board is responsible for the development of the university and proposes measures that serve to build its profile and increase its performance and competitiveness. Furthermore, it supervises the management of the Executive Board.

The Senate decides on all matters of the university, unless they are assigned by law to another central committee or to the faculties (§ 19 LHG).


The contact person for both committees is Cornelia Kamper.

External members

Dr. Gerhard Flöck

Stefanie Schneider, SWR

Stephan Scholl (Vorsitzender)

Jeanette Weisschuh


Internal members

Professorin Dr. Nadine Walter, business school

Professor Dr. Bernhard Kölmel, School of enginerring

Professor Dr. Thomas Hensel, School of desin


Rector Professor Dr. Ulrich Jautz (Vorsitzender)
Vice Rector Professor Dr. Frank Niemann
Chancellor Bernd Welter

Equal Opportunities Officer

14 elected professors
Professor Manuel Aydt
Professor Dr. Urban Bacher
Professor Dr. Jürgen Bauer
Professorin Dr. Kerstin Bremser
Professorin Dr. Rebecca Bulander
Professor Dr. Claudius Eisenberg
Professor Dr. Thomas Greiner
Professor Dr. Henning Hinderer
Professor Dr. Patrick Kraus
Professor Dr. Claus Lang-Koetz
Professor Dr. Robert Nothhelfer
Professor Dr. Martin Pfeiffer
Professor Dr. Harald Strotmann
Professor Michael Throm

5 elected employees
Lisa-Marie Freyhold
Axel Grehl
Karina Kober
Mongioj, Felicia
Wößner, Alexandra

4 elected employees students
Sarah Baszynski
Paul Günther
Anna Privache
Anne Stolz

Other members (without voting rights)
Vice Rector: Prof. Dr. Ingela Tietze
Dean of the school of design: Prof. Johann Stockhammer
Dean of the school of engineering: Prof. Dr. Matthias Weyer
Dean of the business school: Prof. Dr. Thomas Cleff
Representative of the student body