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Sheila Vásquez, Thomas Schuster and Steffen Kroschwald with publication on Privacy-Aware Design in European Consumer Law Journal


In an article for the European Journal of Consumer Law (R.E.D.C.), Sheila Vásquez, LL.M. (phD-Student at University of Oldenburg), Prof. Dr. Thomas Schuster (
IoS³-Institute, Pforzheim University) and Prof. Dr. Steffen Kroschwald (vunk Institute, Pforzheim University) examine methods for systematically deducing legal requirements, based on European Law and fundamental rights, for a privacy-aware and legally compliant data-driven digital ecosystem implementation.

The main research question explores how to build a legally compliant system, e.g. a smart medical device, within a complex, dynamic legal, and technical landscape. For this the authors utilise privacy patterns based on legal and technical requirements.

By implementing such patterns into their product R&D-process, manufacturers may ensure product conformance and privacy from the outset of technology development.

VÁSQUEZ, S., SCHUSTER, T., KROSCHWALD, S. (2024). Privacy-Aware and -Compliant Design of Data-Driven Digital Products Based on Legal and Technical Patterns. European Journal of Consumer Law - Revue européenne de droit de la consommation, 2024 (1), pp. 131-154.
