TOP results in CHE ranking


Once again Pforzheim University´s Business School is ranked among the best in Germany

According to the latest CHE (Centrum für Hochschulentwicklung/ Center of Higher Education Development) ranking which was released on May 5, 2020, Pforzheim University´s Business School belongs to the group of leading institutions in the sector of higher education. As the university´s rector Professor Dr. Ulrich Jautz states “the consistently high ratings we have received for years show that our interdisciplinary approach and our multifaceted practical relevance score points across the board."

What are the characteristics of successful studies? A good support to get started, a meaningful course of study that can be completed in the given time. In addition, personal mentoring by professors and lecturers, contacts to professional practice and the opportunity to spend a semester abroad - in all these categories, which have been evaluated, Pforzheim University´s Business School finds itself in the top group of institutions of higher education in Germany. This is also reflected in the result of the current CHE ranking. 

In addition to the general key figures, which are reviewed by the CHE, the ranking is based on an anonymous survey of students. They awarded top marks for the general study situation. Particular praise was given to the range of courses on offer, the organisation of studies, the supervision and support during the studies, the practical relevance and the opportunity to study abroad.

"We qualify young people for the corporate world of tomorrow," emphasizes the Business School´s Dean Professor Dr. Thomas Cleff. "The international orientation is particularly important to us. A worldwide network of partner universities, a wide range of courses taught in English language and the international accreditation AACSB, which places us among the five percent of the best business schools worldwide, have been rewarded by our students".

Professor Dr. Robert Nothhelfer, Academic Dean of the Business School adds that “"as a university of applied sciences, we attach great importance to an intensive, practice-oriented education of our students. This is what makes our graduates so sought-after and successful in their everyday professional life".

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