Prof. Dr. Katharina Kilian-Yasin

Prof. Dr.

Katharina Kilian-Yasin

International Business for Engineers





Nach Vereinbarung per Email T1.2.21


(07231) 28-6062



Katharina Kilian-Yasin is professor for International Business for Engineers, programme director of BA International Engineering and Management, and Ethics Officer at Pforzheim University. She holds a PhD in Middle Eastern Studies from Heidelberg University and has studied English and German Linguistics and Literature, as well as Business Administration. She is fluent in English, Arabic and French and has a decent level of speaking Spanish and Italian. Prior to her assignment as a professor, she worked in the printing machines industry, followed by an appointment as diplomat for the German Federal Foreign Office with responsibility for the German-Arab cultural relations and higher education policy. Further professional experiences include managing a German-Arab project for the Institute for Foreign Relations in Stuttgart, and an internationalization programme at Tuebingen University. She is currently also consulting organizations on integrating CSR in their strategy and operations, as well as offering training and coaching for international staff development with a regional focus on the Middle East. Her research interests are international business development, cross-cultural and international HRM, CSR in organizations, and responsible management education with a critical perspective.

International Business Development, Intercultural Training and Coaching, CSR Consulting, International Project Management, digital teaching and virtual cooperation. Fluent in English, Arabic, French; decent language skills in Spanish and Italian; Expertise for the Middle East, especially Arab countries.

CSR ,  Interkulturelles Management


Best Poster Award "Social acceptance of alternative mobility systems in Tunis", International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport Transforming Urban Mobility, mobil.TUM 2016, 6-7 June 2016, Munich, Germany


Teaching Award, Summer Term 2015, School of Engineering, Pforzheim University

International Business for Engineers; International Management in Engineering ,  International Engineering and Management

Beitrag in Zeitschrift

KÖLMEL, B., KILIAN-YASIN, K., BRUGGER, T., GALLER, V., KÜHN, A., BORSCH, M., MAIER, M., RATH, M. J., ... PETER, M. (2024). Exploring Innovation Success Factors and Strategies for B2B Platforms in the Manufacturing Sector in Germany. Modern Economy and Management.

KÖLMEL, B., KILIAN-YASIN, K., BULANDER, R., HINDERER, H., KÜHN, A., BRUGGER, T., FISCHER, L. (2024). Navigating the Challenges of Commodity Traps and Platform Economies. Assessment in the Context of the Northern Black Forest Region and Future Directions. commodities, 3, pp. 314-333. Basel.

KÖLMEL, B., BRUGGER, T., KÜHN, A., BORSCH, M., RATH, M. J., MAIER, M., PETER, M., KILIAN-YASIN, K., ... GALLER, V. (2024). Exploring Innovation Success Factors and Strategies for B2B Platforms in the Manufacturing Sector in Germany. Journal of Modern Economy and Management, 3 (12).

FOURNIER, G., BAUMANN, M., GASDE, J., KILIAN-YASIN, K. (2018). Innovative mobility in rural areas – the case of the Black Forest. International Journal of Automative Technology and Management (1278), 247-269. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-61075-3_27.

MAHADEVAN, J., KILIAN-YASIN, K., ILIE, I. A., MÜLLER, F. (2017). Expecting “the Arab world”: imaginative geographies as dominant diversity frames. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion - an International Journal, 36 (6), pp. 533-550.

MAHADEVAN, J., KILIAN-YASIN, K. (2016). Dominant discourse, orientalism and the need for reflexive HRM: skilled Muslim migrants in the German context. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, 1-23. doi:10.1080/09585192.2016.1166786.

KILIAN-YASIN, K., FOURNIER, G., WÖHR, M., TANGOUR, C. (2016). Social acceptance of alternative mobility systems in Tunis. Transforming Urban Mobility. mobil.TUM 2016. International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport. Conference Proceedings. Transportation Research Procedia, 19, 135-146.

KILIAN-YASIN, K. (2013). Emische Perspektiven im interkulturellen Ländertraining. Ein Praxisbeispiel. Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research (SIETAR), 24-29.


KILIAN-YASIN, K., JAMMAL, E., LEISTIKOW, M. (2010). Trust and Culture. Conceptualization and Intercultural Training Implications in German-Arab Business Relationships. Shaker Verlag.

Beitrag in Buch

KILIAN-YASIN, K. (2024). Middle East and North Africa (MENA): a German-Arab team, In Gehrke, B., Claes, M.-T., Pauknerová, D., Aust, I. & Bell Lambert, R.-M. (Eds.) (pp. 210-229). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.

KILIAN-YASIN, K., CORREA, R. (2021). Corporate Social Responsibility in International Supply Chains. In Martin, L. (Ed.), International Business Development (Eds.) (pp. 223-246). Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, Gabler Verlag.

KILIAN-YASIN, K., SCHIROVSKY, H. (2020). Interkulturelle Perspektiven - Kulturkonzepte und Grundhaltungen für empirisches Forschen in multikulturellen Settings. In Schirovsky, H., Schmidtke, J. und Volkert, J. (Eds.), Nicht nur über, auch mit Geflüchteten reden. Verwirklichungschancen, Einschränkungen und Integration aus der Sicht Geflüchteter (pp. 87-108). Tübingen: Tübingen Library Publishing.

KILIAN-YASIN, K., NADERER, G., VOLKERT, J. (2020). Verwirklichungschancen Geflüchteter in Pforzheim und Tübingen 2017 und 2018: Perspektiven, Einschränkungen und Integrationsstrategien. In Schirovsky, H., Schmidtke, J. und Volkert, J. (Eds.), Nicht nur über auch mit Geflüchteten reden. Verwirklichungschancen, Einschränkungen und Integration aus der Sicht Geflüchteter (pp. 255-278). Tübingen: Tübingen Library Publishing.

KILIAN-YASIN, K. (2017). Blinded by the News: How HRM practitioners risk being biased by stereotypes about Muslims. In Mahadevan, Jasmin and Claude-Hélène Mayer. Muslim Minorities. Workplace Diversity and Reflexive HRM. pp. 95-117 (Eds.) (pp. 95-117). Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.

KILIAN-YASIN, K., ARISS, A. (2014). Understanding the Culture of Arab Countries: Diversity and Commonalities. In Gehrke, B. / Klaes, M. (Eds.), Global Leadership Practices: A Cross-Cultural Management Perspective (pp. 253-269). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

MAHADEVAN, J., KILIAN-YASIN, K. (2013). Interkulturelles Lernen im berufsbezogenen Kontext: Ein beispielhaftes Modell zur kombinierten und integrierten Kompetenzentwicklung. In Gabriele Berkenbusch, Katharina von Helmolt, Wenjian Jia (Eds.), Interkulturelle Lernsettings: Konzepte – Formate – Verfahren (pp. 151-174). Ibidem-Verlag.

Beitrag in Tagungsband

DRASKOVIC, N., KILIAN-YASIN, K., KUSTRAK KORPER, A. (2016). Students’ attitudes towards usage of social media in learning process: A comparative study of Croatian and German students. Book of Abstracts of the 13th International Circle Conference, 30. March – 1. April, 2016 (pp. 34).

KILIAN-YASIN, K., MÜLLER, F. (2012). “PIPE – Portfolio International Profile in Engineering” – General and Specific Challenges of Introducing E-portfolios for Assessment and Accreditation in Didactics-Remote Disciplines. Proceedings of ePIC 2012, the 10th International ePortfolio and Identity Conference, London, 9-11 July 2012 (pp. 110-121).

Online Publikation

KILIAN-YASIN, K. (2013). Portfolio » International Studieren « Internationalisierung des Curriculums durch interkulturelle Kompetenz und Integration. Portfolio » International Studieren « Internationalisierung des Curriculums durch interkulturelle Kompetenz und Integration, Deutschland.


KILIAN-YASIN, K. (2006). CrossCulture Internships. Impressions of the First Year. CrossCulture Internships. Impressions of the First Year.

KILIAN-YASIN, K. (2004). Bildung in der arabischen Welt: Ansatzpunkte für die deutsche Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. Schlussfolgerungen aus der Sicht des Auswärtigen Amts. Bildung in der arabischen Welt: Ansatzpunkte für die deutsche Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. Schlussfolgerungen aus der Sicht des Auswärtigen Amts.

Sonstige Publikationen

KILIAN-YASIN, K. (2010). Integration von Muslimen auf der kommunalen Ebene. Handreichung für kommunale Akteure. herausgegeben von: Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen : Frankfurt am Main. Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland.

Mitglied des Dekanats

seit 2022



Praxisprojekt mit Unternehmen

2021 - 2022

Community Project and Workshop City of Pforzheim: "Tuer an Tuer"


2020 - 2021

Cultural Adaptation and International Market Entry of an AI-supported Health and Fitness App


2014 - 2015

"Posidonia Seagrass Balls: Developing a Business Model for the International Supply of an Ecological Thermal Insulation Material for Buildings”, International research cooperation Pforzheim University, Germany; École Nationale d`Ingénieurs, Universität al-Manar, Tunis, Tunisia; cooperation partner NeptuTherm, Karlsruhe, Germany


Fachvortrag bei beruflicher Vereinigung


Keynote: Wirksam durch bewegte Zeiten – Werte als Basis für innovativen Wandel

Frauenwirtschaftstage Pforzheim Deutschland


Keynote "Intercultural Values in Counselling", Consultant Days, University of Konstanz, Germany, 19. September 2016


Vortrag auf Konferenz/Fachtagung


"Teaching CSR for international supply chains" - paper presentation at the 7th Responsible Management and Education (RME) Research Conference, 18th to 21st October 2020



Vortrag "The Role of Social Contacts of Refugees" (zusammen mit Schirovsky, H., Volkert, J., Naderer, G. und Schmidtke, J.)



Vortrag "Perspektiven Geflüchteter in der Stadt Pforzheim - Erkenntnisse aus einem studentischen Forschungsprojekt", Internationale pädagogische Fachkonferenz „Globales Lernen – das Recht auf Bildung für alle Menschen“, VHS Pforzheim



Vortrag "Umgang mit kultureller Diversität – Herausforderungen als Chance", Diversitätstag Hochschule Reutlingen



"Social acceptance of alternative mobility systems in Tunis", International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport Transforming Urban Mobility, mobil.TUM 2016, Munich, Germany, 6-7 June 2016



"Development of Interculturally Responsible Management Competencies", NIBES Conference 2015, Pforzheim, Germany, 11. June 2015



“Social Acceptance of Autonomous Driving Within the BRICS-states”, 17th European Microwave Wee, Rome, Italy, 10. October 2014



"PIPE – Portfolio International Profile in Engineering“, Annual Conference of the University Association for Intercultural Studies (IKS), Kochel am See, Germany, 2. June 2012



“PIPE – Portfolio International Profile In Engineering” – General and Specific Challenges of Introducing Eportfolios for Assessment and Accreditation in Didactics-Remote Disciplines”, 10th International ePortfolio and Identity Conference, London, 11. July 2012




Lecture "Culture in Management Teaching, Research and Practice", Serial Lectures "Re:Thinking Economics", Tuebingen University



Neujahrstagung Forum Unternehmensführung, Keynote zu „Neue Arbeitswelten“, Wirtschaftsgilde e.V.



Referat "Paradigmen transkultureller Kommunikation. Einige Überlegungen zum Arbeiten in multikulturellen Settings", mit Hanna Schirovsky, MA. Workshop am Weltethos-Institut Universität Tübingen



Keynote "Intercultural Aspects in Counselling" at the conference "Studium für Flüchtlinge" organised by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts of the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg (MWK), Stuttgart, Germany, 5. November 2015



Workshop "Intercultural Competencies in Teaching", Eberhard-Karls-University Tuebingen, Germany



"Internationalisation of the Curriculum", German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), International DAAD-Academy, Berlin, Germany



"Internationalisation of the Curriculum", Eberhard-Karls-University Tuebingen, Germany



Workshop "Intercultural Competencies in Teaching", University of Applied Sciences Stuttgart - Hochschule für Technik (HFT), Germany



2018 - 2019

Accreditation Dual Studies Industrial Engineeing Al-Quds University, Jerusalem, Palestine



Member of the selection committee "Baden-Württemberg Scholarship Programme for Refugees from Syria II", Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts of the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg (MWK) in cooperation with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)



Member of the selection committee “Leadership for Syria (LfS)” in Beirut, Lebanon, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)



Member of the peer review team, Agency for Quality Assurance through Accreditation of Study Programs (AQAS)




Podiumsvortrag beim "Interkulturellen Salon" Integrationsbeauftragte Stadt Pforzheim


Session/Track chair bei einer Konferenz


Organiser and Chair of Symposium "New Lives in New Worlds - Refugees in their new environments" at the World Congress of Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES), 16th-21st June 2018, Sevilla, Spain



Session WF6 (EuMC & EuRAD) 'The Social and Societal Implications of Autonomous Driving', 17th European Microwave Week, Rome, Italy, 10. October 2014


Vorsitzende/r des Organisationskommittee einer akademischen Konferenz


Organising Chair of Symposium "New Lives in New Worlds - Refugees in their new environments (3 Panels)" at World Congress of Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES) 2019, Sevilla, Spain


Sonstige Aufgaben in der Selbstverwaltung an der Hochschule

seit 2016

Ethics Officer, Pforzheim University, Germany


Projektmitglied eines durch öffentliche Institutionen geförderten Projekts

2015 - 2016

"Social Acceptance of Alternative Mobility Systems in Tunis", sub-project within German-Tunisian research cooperation "Usage of Alternative Energy Systems", funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)


2011 - 2012

“PIPE – Portfolio International Profile in Engineering”, Pforzheim University, Germany; funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)


Projektleitung eines durch öffentliche Institutionen geförderten Projekts

2014 - 2015

"Posidonia Seagrass Balls: Developing a Business Model for the International Supply of an Ecological Thermal Insulation Material for Buildings”, International research cooperation Pforzheim University, Germany; École Nationale d`Ingénieurs, Universität al-Manar, Tunis, Tunisia; cooperation partner NeptuTherm, Karlsruhe, Germany; funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)



seit 2013

Studiengansleitung Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen International


seit 2013

Programme director "BA - International Management and Engineering", Pforzheim Univeristy, Germany
