Welcome to Pforzheim University


Dear Newies!

For your semester start, student initiatives commeo e.V. and AStA have put together a welcome-package including several events: a game night, bar hopping, a meet 'n' greet and many more. Use this opportunity to meet new people and to get in touch with German and international students!

On the <link studium studentisches_leben asta>website of  AStA you will find more information on the o-phase (orientation phase) and the semester-kick-off week. You will also find useful links regarding the topic “<link studium studentisches_leben asta wohnungsmarkt>Finding an apartment”.

If you’re interested in finding out what kind of student initiatives the university offers, should check out the following link: <link studium studentisches_leben studentische_initiativen>Overview Student Initiatives. They are also going to present themselves during a student fair.  

On Facebook you will also find useful information:

  • In the group <link https: www.facebook.com groups pforzheim.flohmarkt _blank external link in new>Virtueller Flohmarkt der Hochschule Pforzheim (“Virtual Flee Market Pforzheim University), students post rooms for rent, furniture, books, and more …

  • On the page <link https: www.facebook.com hs-pforzheim-newies-ws-1617-698158303651106 _blank external link in new>HS Pforzheim Newies WS 16/17  students from initiative  commeo e.V. keep you updated on the newest activities and events during the semester.

  • And of course Pforzheim University itsself can be found on Facebook: <link https: www.facebook.com hs.pforzheim>Hochschule Pforzheim – that’s where you will receive university news throughout the semester.

Last but not least: From March, 06 to April, 07, 2017, first semester students may purchase the university hoodie for 22 instead of 25 EUR. More info on when and where to get the hoodie, can be found on the <link hochschule merchandising>merchandising website under "zum Anziehen".

We are looking forward to welcoming you at our university!