Welcome (back) to the MBA!


Grand semester opening for new and “old” MBA students.

Last week saw the start of a new semester here at Pforzheim University. The new students that had been arriving during the last couple of weeks and days gathered for the first time in classroom. Finally they got to meet their classmates that will join them on their journey towards their MBA degree in International Management. After welcoming the new MBA students to Pforzheim University the program director Prof. Strotmann had a closer look with them on the curriculum. During the first semester all the basics in Accounting & Finance, Marketing, Business Functions, Economics, Research Methods and Management Skills will be addressed. Besides those lectures an exciting program of “guest in classroom” talks with key professionals from the industry as well one and two day field trips with visits to reknowned companies is awaiting the first semester students.
After a long summer break the third semester students were happy to see each other again and to catch up. Besides the mandatory courses in Innovation & Business Dynamics, Sustainable Globalization and Digital Transformation the third semester offers a variety of elective classes in the areas of Finance & Accounting, Marketing or Consulting from which the students can chose in order to specialize. Another great opportunity to work closely together with a German firm offers the company project. Divided into project groups, supported by company representatives and supervised by a professor this year the students get the chance to work on real business projects for well-known firms such as Bosch, Francotyp-Postalia, KPMG, Hartmann and Mahle.
After the individual launch of the first and third semester the two batches gathered and after a short introduction round the first semester students got a chance to meet their buddies in person and chat the evening away.    

text:MBA                                                                                                                                                                                                                          photos:MBA