Team Building Event


A team building event was organized for the new MBA students, during which they went to the high rope garden at Wildpark Pforzheim.

"Reaching new heights" could have been the slogan of this semester's team building event. All 14 new MBA students and two MBA team members spent a joint afternoon at the high rope garden at <link https: www.pforzheim.de kultur-freizeit natur-sport naherholung wildpark-pforzheim.html external-link-new-window external link in new>Wildpark Pforzheim, located just a few minutes from Pforzheim University.

Before starting the parcour, everyone had to wear a security belt and a helmet. A trainer from the high rope course explained the different features of the security belt and strings, before the students got to put it into practice. The parcours lead from one tree to another and are 2 to 11 meters high.

The students spent almost 3 hours climbing trees and mastering different challenges on each of the parcours up in the air. It must be mentioned that every single student managed to finish at least one parcour. Some were even brave enough to do the most challenging and highest parcours of the high rope garden. At the end of the day the whole batch could proudly say: Challenge accepted!

Find more impressions on our team building event below: