NEW JOBS – NEW CHALLENGES – life after graduation


MBA International Management Class of 2020 students successfully completed their studies

With the submission of their theses our batch of 2020 recently completed their studies at Pforzheim University. After two years of management classes, soft skills trainings, project work, Guest in Classroom sessions, specialisations in Innovation, Globalization and Digital Transformation, excursions, company visits, alumni meetings and company visits the new MBA graduates set out for their next career step: finding a job.

While some of the graduates could already land a job with the company they were writing their thesis with or the one where they previously had a working student job, others are now starting to explore their different options and apply for jobs.

Besides the valuable networking opportunities during the course of their studies the mock interviews, job application trainings, the 2019 newly implemented mentoring program and the experiences our alumni shared with them during mutual meetings will help our graduates to face the challenges of finding a job.

With their profound education and their previous work experience the chances are quite good. Only a few months after graduating from the MBA all members of the Class of 2019 were employed by companies all over Germany. 

Today they work as managers or consultants in different fields such as the automotive, pharmaceutical, computer/software industry, in consultancy or the energy sector for well-known companies such as SAP, Mahle, Microsoft, Bredent or Deloitte to name but a few.

text: MBA
picture: flickr