Lecture with HP Enterprise


MBA students received Ms. Jeanette Weisschuh, Director of Corporate Affairs at Hewlett Packard Enterprise, last week.

On Thursday, the students received Ms. Jeanette Weisschuh, Director of Corporate Affairs at Hewlett Packard Enterprise. Her presentation was about Corporate Social Responsibility as the third semester’s curriculum has a strong focus on Sustainability Management.

Ms. Weisschuh talked about the importance of the social role that companies have, since 64% of the 175 largest economies in the world are in fact companies. For this reason, social issues were now business issues and consumers looked at companies who are being responsible in this matter in order to continue to buy from them. She also advised the students to create shared value in the companies they worked for, since profit can go along with social and environmental development. 

In the end, Ms. Weisschuh divided the group into teams of 4-5 students and asked them to come up with ideas for start-ups with a focus on the creation of shared value for rural communities. The result were very good ideas for start-ups that would use technology to bring rural communities higher incomes and a better life.

Text: Eduardo Rodriguez