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Guest lecture: “How to steer the ‚wind of change’ – internal communications as enabler for top-down and bottom-up organizational change“


This week, MCCM alumna Salome Becker came back to Pforzheim to give a guest lecture in our second semester course “Internal Communication”. She introduced the field of Change Communications and gave the students an insight into the practical implementation of a current project. Using different methods and models of change communications the students were then able to develop their own ideas, on how to create a change communications strategy. Lastly, they explored in interactive group discussions the – until now – unattended role of internal communications in bottom-up change processes.

Salome Becker finished the MCCM in 2020 and started her career at the Pharmaceutical company Novartis Germany as Trainee Communications & Engagement. She has been Manager Internal Communication at Novartis Germany since June 2023.

Interested? More information about our Master Corporate Communication Management can be found here.