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Our first semester MBA students visited three companies on a two day excursion

Our first semester MBA students got the unique opportunity to visit three companies on a two day excursion organized by the business school. The students were accompanied by Dr Harald Strotmann, the MBA Program Director, and Dr Markus-Oliver Schwaab, Head of Company Contacts & Projects.

Teva Ratiopharm

The excursion kicked off with a visit to pharmaceutical giant Teva Ratiopharm in Ulm, the market leader in generic drugs manufacturing. The students were warmly received by the HR staff of the company and the interaction began with the company’s introduction explaining the core competencies of the company. Its product portfolio and strategic initiatives left a lasting impression on the students. After treating the students to a sumptuous breakfast, the staff took everyone on a full campus tour showing the production plant, packaging area, warehouse, etc. The students got to experience the awe-inspiring infrastructure of the facility and for the first time step into the production plant of a major pharmaceutical manufacturer. After lunch, the students were joined by Ms Jessica Oser, an alumna of our business school who is now working as the Associate Director of HR Europe Operations. She gave a presentation on Talent Acquisition strategies of the company and had lots of good things to say about her alma mater, Pforzheim Business School!


Next destination on the list was Hartmann in Heidenheim, a company that has recently celebrated its 200 years. The students were greeted at the company’s headquarters by the Head of their Warehouse accompanied by two HR Managers. Thus began a tour of the inside of their grand warehouse the scale of whose operations is exemplary in Europe. The students were made aware of the advanced technologies deployed in the warehouse. It was heartening to see the students pose curious questions to the Warehouse Manager as it was the first time they had witnessed such a high level of automation and superlative productivity in a company. Their recently concluded Supply Chain Management classes in their MBA program had prepared them well for understanding the real life applications of these concepts. After the tour’s conclusion, everyone moved to the boardroom for a presentation on the company’s product lines and also its HR policies.


The next morning the bus moved on to the third and final company, Voith in Heidenheim, a company that has recently completed its 150 years. The company visit began with a presentation of the new Group Division Voith Digital Solutions and the company’s product portfolio followed by a detailed presentation on the sustainability initiatives of the company. The group proceeded to have a tour of the apprenticeship workshop of the company and was introduced to the latest trends in engineering marvels such as 3D printing. After lunch, a member of the team Talent Acquisition gave a presentation of the different work/internship opportunities at Voith and the MBA students were elated to know about future job prospects.