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Die Fachgruppe setzt sich zusammen aus folgenden Mitgliedern und Forschungsfellows:


Leitung der Fachgruppe:

Prof. Dr. Anja Spilski (Professur für Marketingkommunikation und Marketing)



Prof. Dr. Margarita Bidler (Customer Insights & Data Analytics)

Prof. Dr. Thomas Cleff  (Quantitative Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit Statistik und Operations Research)

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Föhl (Psychologische Marktforschung)

Prof. Dr. Yasmin Merz (Digitales Marketing und Digitale Medien)

Prof. Gabriele Naderer (Marktpsychologie und Käuferverhalten)



Prof. Dr. phil. Christa Wehner


Kienzler, T., FÖHL, U. (2024). When showing off is the best. Mediator and Moderator Variables for Status Consumption of Maximizers. AMA Winter Academic Conference (pp. 446 - 460).

Müller, C., Fastoso, F., SPILSKI, A. (2023). What drives perceived brand luxury with Gen Z? An exploratory study of German consumers. Conference of the Global Alliance of Marketing & Management Organizations (GAMMA), Seoul 2023.

Dressler, E., SPILSKI, A., Gröppel-Klein, A., Greff, T. (2022). When a Robot Asks for Help: The Impact of a Healthcare Robot Admitting a Weakness on Caregivers´ and Patients´ Intention to Use It. EMAC 2022 Annual Conference. Proceedings der European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC).



CLEFF, T.  Gidakovic, P., Zabkar, V., Zecezic, M., Sagan, A., Woijnarovska, M., Soltysik, M., Arslanagic-Kaladjci, M., Dlacic, J., Askegaard, S., ... (2024). Trying to buy more sustainable products: Intentions of young consumers. Journal of Cleaner Production, 434, 140200. doi:10.1016/

Walter, N., FÖHL, U., Zagermann, L. (2024). Big or Small? Impact of Influencer Characteristics on Influencer Success, with Special Focus on Micro- Versus Mega-Influencers. Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising*, 1-23. doi:10.1080/10641734.2024.2366198

Walter, N., FÖHL, U., Sader, F., Nies, A. (2024). Act as you preach! Authentic brand purpose versus “woke washing’s” impact on brand credibility: The moderating role of cause involvement and consumer skepticism. Journal of Business Research, 184, 114868. doi:

Reeh, A., Walter, N., Sander, F., CLEFF, T. (2023). Shopping for a worthy cause - the theory of planned behaviour for vegan personal care products with a special focus on animal welfare. International Journal of Business Environment, 14 (4), 488-526. doi:10.1504/IJBE.2023.10056159

Horschutz, N. E., Korbee D., Jaroudi, I. Viere, T., NADERER, G., Fournier, G., Integrating automated minibuses into mobility systems. Socio-technical transitions analysis and multi-level perspectives. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 188 (122260). doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2022.122260. (2023)

Korbee, D., Fournier, G., NADERER, G. (2023). The potential of automated minibuses in the socio-technical transformation of the transport system. Transportation Research Procedia, 72, 2936-2943. 

Horschutz Nemoto, E., Korbee, D., Jaroudi, I., Viere, T., NADERER, G., Fournier, G. (2023). Sustainability assessment of the deployment of automated minibuses in urban mobility of European cities. Transportation Research Procedia, 72, 1364-1371. doi:

SPILSKI, A. (2023). Gestaltung von Kommunikation - Möglichkeiten der Kreation als Einführung in den Themenschwerpunkt dieser Ausgabe. transfer - Zeitschrift für Kommunikation und Markenmanagement, 69 (2), 23-29.

Gröppel-Klein, A., Kirsch, K.-M., SPILSKI, A. (2021). (Hedonic) Shopping Will Find a Way: The COVID-19 Pandemic and its Impact on Consumer Behavior. Marketing ZFP - Journal of Research and Management, 43 (1-2), 96-109. doi:10.15358/0344-1369-2021-1-2-95

Walter, N., Asgari, O., CLEFF, T. (2022). What role does the brand play? Measuring the impact of customer-based brand equity on the selection of MBA programs at Dutch business schools. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, Online. doi:10.1080/08841241.2022.2048430

Höfling, T., Alpers, G., Büdenbender, B., FOEHL, U., Gerdes, A. (2022). What’s in a face: Automatic facial coding of untrained study participants compared to standardized inventories. PLoS One, 17 (3). doi:

Lakemann, F., Walter, N., CLEFF, T. (2021). The impact of payment methods and payment-related marketing communications on e-commerce retailer trust. An empirical consumer analysis of Indonesian e-commerce start-ups. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE, 16 (4), 352-376. doi:10.1504/IJEB.2021.10041142

SPILSKI, A. (2021). Formen, Wirkungen und Perspektiven kooperativer Markenkommunikation. transfer - Zeitschrift für Kommunikation und Markenmanagement, 67 (4), 20-27.



Sander, F., Thierry, C., Walter, N., CLEFF, T. (2024). The Effect of Brand Activism on Advertising Success and Purchase Intention. Analyzing Female Empowerment and Anti-Racism Advertising. In Erceg, A., Pozega, Z. (Eds.), Interdisciplinary Management Research XX. Osijek, Croatia; Pforzheim, Germany: Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Economics/ Pforzheim University, Business School.

FÖHL, U., Heil, N.-M. (2023). Welche Effekte haben reale und virtuelle Influencer auf die Einstellung zur Marke? In A. Erceg et al. (Ed.), Interdisciplinary Management Research (pp. 931-955). Osijek, Croatia; Pforzheim, Germany: Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Economics/ Pforzheim University, Business School.

Bienecker, M., CLEFF, T., Walter, N. (2022). Organic wine consumption in Germany. An Analysis of Consumer Purchase Intention for Organic wine based on the Theory of Planned Behavior. In Erceg, A., Požega, Ž. (Eds.), Interdisciplinary Management Research XVIII (pp. 397-428). Osijek, Croatia; Pforzheim, Germany: Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Economics/ Pforzheim University, Business School.

FOEHL, U. (2022). Konsumentenverhalten in einer digitalen Welt. In Theobald, E. & Gaiser, B. (Eds.), Brand Evolution (pp. 109-130). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

CLEFF, T., Otterbach, M., Walter, N. (2021). Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation in Social Media. Der Einfluss unterschiedlicher Arten der Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation auf die Glaubwürdigkeit, auf die Werbe-/Markeneinstellung und die Kaufabsicht am Beispiel von Instagram. In Barkovic, D. et al. (Eds.), Interdisciplinary Management Research XVII (pp. 1183-1210). Faculty of Economics, Josip Juraj Strossmayer Univ.

Lindstät-Dreusicke, N., MERZ, Y. (2022). Podcasts und regionale Verlagsmedien – eine tragfähige Symbiose? In Theobald, E., Gaiser, B. (Eds.), Brand Evolution (pp. 507–538). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

Linxweiler, R., MERZ, Y., Scheu, P. (2021). Kleine Marken, große Wirkung?. Wie Micro-Brands Influencer erfolgreich zur werblichen Kommunikation nutzen. In Stefan Detscher (Ed.), Digitales Management und Marketing (pp. 247-264). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.



