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How long a product has to work?


Symposium about obsolescence at the Faculty of Economics and Law

Symposium about obsolescence at the Faculty of Economics and Law

Organized by the Business Law Faculty the question of "Premature Wearout" was discussed intensively at the first symposium at the University of Pforzheim . On November 28 2014 around 150 consumer advocates, engineers, representatives of federal and state ministries, federal agencies, industry- and association representatives and numerous experts from various disciplines exchanged views on subjective consumer perception, technical opportunities, legal issues, trends and marketing strategies. The conclusion of the participants, a premature product end  is annoying to consumers, who on the other hand increasingly ask for ever new devices.

The Symposium at Pforzheim University, subsidized by the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection, offered a comprehensive treatment of the subject "Premature wearout". The so-called obsolescence excite the minds of consumers. Many have the impression that technical equipment conks out shortly after the warranty period expires,  others suspect the deliberate mounting of defects. Tobias Brönneke did not speak of "premature wearout", but of "avoidable obsolescence". The Professor of Business Law at the University of Pforzheim and committed consumer advocate was co-organizer of the successful meeting. "The shelf life of products must be specified exactly like the expiry date of food", demanded the Pforzheim Professor. The engineers and company representatives pointed out the technical difficulties of such information. Of course life expectancy is added to product calculations, but it is calculated in simulations under laboratory conditions. "In reality, they can only guess how the products are used," said one participant.