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Director of the Institute for Industrial Ecology reappointed in Sustainability Advisory Board

Director of the Institute for Industrial Ecology reappointed in Sustainability Advisory Board

He is truly convicted: Professor Dr. Mario Schmidt was appointed for the second time in a row from the Baden-Württemberg Prime Minister in the Sustainability Advisory Board of the Provincial Government. The two-year period of appointment of the Advisory Board will begin on March 7, 2015. The professor of environmental management at the Pforzheim University and scientific director of the Institute of Industrial Ecology is part of the committee since its inception in November 2012.The Sustainability Committee is an advisory board to the Prime Minister and the provincial government. Its members include academics and representatives from various sectors of society, who are appointed for two years. In recent months, discussions focused on the strategic direction of sustainability policies, action programs and the development of indicators in the focus of the Advisory Board. Professor Schmidt is one of the initiators of the search for "100 enterprises on resource efficiency" in Baden-Württemberg. These companies document exemplary possible savings in the energy and material area and thus encourage other companies to think about their own potential.Information on the Advisory Board: