This drives us

Our vision LEADERSHIP BY CHANGING PERSPECTIVES drives us. In this vision we express that we see the change of perspective as the central image of an achievable reality. A reality in which we interdisciplinarily link the facets of design, technology as well as business and law. The power of this change of perspective makes us a leader as a university.

Divided into our three faculties of Design, Technology and Business & Law, we offer 29 interdisciplinary Bachelor's and 20 Master's degree programmes.

[Translate to English:] Campus TIefenbronner Straße 65

The joint work in study projects promotes the view and understanding of other disciplines. Students from different disciplines work together during their studies at Pforzheim University, just as they will later do in interdisciplinary project teams in industry.

Our professors also form joint and cross-research project teams from different perspectives, thus ensuring the high level of scientific transfer at Pforzheim University.

Our mission describes our versatility and our standards in research and teaching:

#interdisciplinary, #responsible, #international, #personal, #practical, #innovative

How we live the change of perspective at the university is also expressed in our image film in atmospheric scenes.

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